Books have the power to educate, inspire, and transport us to new worlds, and books about ancient aliens can take us even further—way back in time.

The Annunaki were Sumerian deities, who were said to have created humans as slaves to work in their gold mines in ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq).
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The Annunaki were the ancient gods of Earth thousands of years ago who, according to legend, created humans as slaves and farm animals.
While many books have been written about these powerful beings, this list of the best books on Annunaki and other topics related to the ancient Gods can help you learn more about them and how they may have influenced history throughout the millennia.
The books listed here are some of the best sources on the Anunnaki and other ancient alien societies like them.
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Annunaki: Interesting Books and Details on Annunaki – List of Books
1. The Anunnaki of Nibiru
By Gerald R. Clark

The Anunnaki of Nibiru: Mankind’s Forgotten Creators, Enslavers, Saviors, and Hidden Architects of the New World Order by Gerald R. Clark — This book discusses how some people believe that a race of extraterrestrials called Anunnaki created modern man. The author argues that these beings from another planet have continued to secretly influence and manipulate humanity through various organizations, including organized religion, governments, and banking systems.
The purpose for their actions is to build a new world order in which humans act as nothing more than slaves for an elite class of super-beings. For anyone who is interested in the mysterious Anunnaki of Nibiru, then it would be wise to read Gerald R. Clark’s book first before exploring other sources of information.
2. The Anunnaki Connection
By Heather Lynn

The Anunnaki Connection: Sumerian Gods, Alien DNA, and the Fate of Humanity Audible by Heather Lynn — Is there an ancient, extraterrestrial link to mankind’s genetic history? If you’re intrigued by UFOs and ancient alien theories, then you’ll want to listen to author Heather Lynn share her research into these questions. Lynn claims that much of what we know about our ancient past is incorrect and wants to help re-write history.
Claiming that most world myths originate from one common source—the Anunnaki—Lynn’s book explains how humanity’s DNA may have been manipulated in order for us to be part of a bigger plan, originating from outside our solar system.
3. The Lost Book of Enki
By Zecharia Sitchin

The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial God by Zecharia Sitchin – Sitchin, an expert in ancient Semitic languages, introduces readers to a series of ancient tablets that he says prove humans are not descendants of apes but have instead been created by extraterrestrials who inhabited Earth thousands of years ago. While these tablets may exist, it’s hard to swallow Sitchin’s theory; after all, if Annunaki really were responsible for all life on Earth, wouldn’t they have put a little more effort into their creation?
4. The Anunnaki Final Warning to Earth, and their Return in 2022
By Maximillien De Lafayette

The Anunnaki Final Warning to Earth, and their Return in 2022 by Maximillien De Lafayette — This book focuses on one of my favorite topics—the possibility that we will soon be visited by extraterrestrials. Lafayette’s evidence and arguments are interesting and compelling, but it’s his passion for both science and mysticism that really makes his writing stand out.
He writes with an ethereal grace, proving that those two worlds aren’t as disparate as many of us believe them to be. And he’s not just theorizing—he believes we have already been contacted by aliens, who have come to us for our help in times of need. This is not a book about little green men; it’s about seeing all human beings as part of a greater whole—and working together to make things better for our future generations.
5. The Complete Anunnaki Bible: A Source Book of Esoteric Archaeology
By Joshua Free

The Complete Anunnaki Bible: A Source Book of Esoteric Archaeology by Joshua Free — If you’re interested in learning about a variety of ancient religions, myths and spiritual practices, then you’ll love Joshua Free’s latest book. In his new publication, The Complete Anunnaki Bible: A Source Book of Esoteric Archaeology, Free attempts to piece together disparate beliefs from different cultures and time periods into one cohesive vision of our past. An extensive background in anthropology gives Free an advantage when attempting to bridge these disparate belief systems.
6. Falling Skies: Children of the Annunaki
By Christine Berthel

Falling Skies: Children of the Annunaki by Christine Berthel — Filled with fascinating facts about Sumerian history, ancient gods and goddesses, comparative mythology, and more, Falling Skies makes for an informative read. It’s also a great resource for learning more about specific Annunaki beings like Enki or Anu (the Anunnaki God of creation), and you can even find out which historical figures were supposedly half-god in their lineage.
And if you’re looking to dive into Annunaki lore yourself? The book is filled with fascinating facts about Sumerian history, ancient gods and goddesses, comparative mythology, astrology/zodiac signs, astronomy/astronomy terms; it will likely leave you wishing there was more.
7. The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader
By Zecharia Sitchin

The Anunnaki Chronicles: A Zecharia Sitchin Reader by Zecharia Sitchin — This is a collection of writings from Sitchin, one of history’s greatest researchers and author of The 12th Planet and other titles. Not only does he share his research into ancient Sumerian literature, but he also includes translations from ancient texts like The Book of Enki. In addition to being among the best books on Annunaki, it’s also one of the most comprehensive collections you can find. Sitchin was awarded a bronze medal by Yad Vashem for establishing links between contemporary Judaism and historical Jewish communities.
8. The Book of the Watchers
By Ars Aurora

The Book of the Watchers: YHVH, Annunaki, the origin of the fallen angels and human civilization by Ars Aurora — This book is about an ancient God in Sumerian called Annunaki. It talks about how he created human civilization and became jealous of humans and started a war with him that ultimately ended up in him killing off his own offspring, which are now known as Fallen Angels.
This is where Christianity gets some of its myths from. It is considered to be one of the most accurate books on Annunaki today. It was translated from Sumerian into English by a group of scholars who have been studying it for almost 50 years now and have practically become experts in translating it into modern day language without losing any information or accuracy of what it actually means. If you’re interested in learning more about Annunaki, I recommend that you get yourself a copy right away!
9. 2022 The Return of the Annunaki
By Robert Smith

2022 The Return of the Annunaki by Robert Smith — Do you want to know more about a distant world? Well, in 2022, an ancient group of beings will return, and it is their ultimate goal to change our perspective regarding mankind’s history. To bring back what was once lost, these extraterrestrial beings will establish a firm relationship with humans from many different countries across Earth. They have traveled through time and space seeking humanity’s cooperation.
10. DNA of the Gods
By Chris H. Hardy

DNA of the Gods: The Anunnaki Creation of Eve and the Alien Battle for Humanity by Chris H. Hardy — This book answers some of humanity’s most profound questions. Who are we? Where did we come from? What are we doing here? Was there a war in heaven, and why do our myths reflect celestial battles and genetic engineering? Why is there a bloodline on Earth, as described in Genesis and other ancient texts, that can be traced back to otherworldly beings?
Our DNA holds answers—and Chris Hardy reveals them in an engaging narrative combining both cutting-edge science and ancient spiritual wisdom. With DNA of the Gods , you’ll learn about hybridization—the creation of life through genetic engineering by ancient gods who came to Earth thousands of years ago.
11. 2022: The Return Of The Extraterrestrial Anunnaki
By Maximillien De Lafayette

2022: The Return Of The Extraterrestrial Anunnaki by Maximillien De Lafayette — This book contains a series of lectures given by a former member of an extraterrestrial race, known as Anunnaki. He describes how these extraterrestrials came to Earth thousands of years ago and subjugated humanity in order to establish their own kind as rulers.
He also explains how they were forced into self-exile and how they will return to Earth in 2022 with great powers that will be used for both good and evil. De Lafayette provides evidence for his extraordinary claims from many diverse sources, including hieroglyphics and historical texts, ancient art, DNA testing results and much more.
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12. Anunnaki: Gods of Earth and Nibiru
By Sonny Ramirez

Anunnaki: Gods of Earth and Nibiru by Sonny Ramirez — I’ve never been a big fan of UFO stories or conspiracy theories. When I first heard about UFOs, I was in my early teens. My younger brother told me a story about someone he knew who had seen three bright lights in the sky that had disappeared and reappeared and finally vanished as if it were all a dream. After hearing his story, I didn’t think much of it because at that time, there wasn’t much access to information regarding UFOs and little did I know that it would become more of an interest to me later in life.
13. Slave Species of the Gods
By Michael Tellinger

Slave Species of the Gods: The Secret History of the Anunnaki and Their Mission on Earth by Michael Tellinger — Slave Species of the Gods is a book that combines cutting-edge information and research on what has been called mankind’s most controversial subject – with solid archaeological evidence to back it up. In ancient Sumerian texts, we find a reference to beings who were advanced beyond our understanding, who came from Heaven to Earth in search of gold to repair their atmosphere.
Today, we call them Annunaki. Slave Species of the Gods introduces you to a whole new way of thinking about human origins by using documented facts and newly translated clay tablets that detail events which are still not part of human history books in our schools today.
14. There Were Giants Upon the Earth
By Zecharia Sitchin

There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA by Zecharia Sitchin — Zecharia Sitchin was a Russian-born, American author of books proposing an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts. He wrote books proposing that humans are a race of extraterrestrial beings whose genetic code has been manipulated by gods and goddesses.
The premise of his work is that human beings were created through genetic engineering by a humanoid species called the Annunaki thousands of years ago, and that they came to Earth from another planet within our solar system. Sitchin used Sumerian mythology to back up his claims in addition to modern day scientific concepts like DNA, genetics, astronomy and others to explain how humans could have originated from an alien race.
15. 2022 Anunnaki Code: End Of The World And Their Return To Earth
By Maximillien De Lafayette

2022 Anunnaki Code: End Of The World And Their Return To Earth by Maximillien De Lafayette — In 2022, a world-changing event will occur that has not happened in over 250 years. They’ve kept it hidden from us for thousands of years. Today, you will learn all about it. What if I told you that our planet isn’t as abandoned as we thought? What if I told you that it was owned by a much more advanced species? And what if they return to Earth in just 11 years? We are talking about an ancient race of people who are extremely different than us and have abilities far beyond our imagination. Buy this book to read more.
16. The Book of Enoch the Prophet
By Richard Laurence

The Book of Enoch the Prophet by Richard Laurence — According to Laurence, ancient tablets confirm that Enoch was indeed a prophet and authored what would become known as The Book of Enoch. It was deemed lost for thousands of years until Laurence had it translated into English. The book has many parallels with Christian mythology, including references to God as well as Jesus. However, since The Book of Enoch predates Christianity by more than 2,000 years, it could also be construed as providing evidence that Jesus is purely mythological—and thus not divine at all.
17. The 12th Planet: Earth Chronicles Series
By Zecharia Sitchin

The 12th Planet: Earth Chronicles Series by Zecharia Sitchin — Over 7 million copies sold worldwide, translated into 18 languages. The late Zecharia Sitchin has been regarded as one of today’s greatest interpreters of ancient writings. His Earth Chronicles series is a bestseller and includes all his writing about his findings on Annunaki. From here, you can jump directly to Amazon by clicking here, or read our full review of The 12th Planet. You may also want to check out our other featured book review, Fingerprints of God, which continues where The 12th Planet left off, but only if you have a healthy curiosity about ancient Earth history. Review of Fingerprints of God.
18. Wars of the Anunnaki: Nuclear Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer
By Chris H. Hardy Ph.D.

Wars of the Anunnaki: Nuclear Self-Destruction in Ancient Sumer by Chris H. Hardy — This is a great read if you are into ancient history. In Wars of Anunnaki, Hardy gives readers a detailed insight into how war was fought in ancient Sumer and why Sumerians started going nuclear. This book will take you on an interesting journey that provides you with details about key historical events and explains why these wars were fought in such a brutal way. It also sheds light on certain things related to Sumerian culture and society, as well as language and religion. Readers who are interested in ancient history, astronomy or religion should find Wars of Anunnaki to be an informative read.
What is Annunaki?
According to Sumerian mythology, Annunaki is a name applied to ancient Mesopotamian deities in general. Literally translated as Those who from Heaven to Earth Came, it includes An (the god of heaven), Enlil (the god of air and wind), and Enki (the god of water).
According to these sources, AnnunaKI came down from heaven and had human women bear children for them. The children were giants that became known as AnunnakI (offspring/children/people of An), or as AN.NAK (lillu-demons).
They also created humans through genetic engineering as slaves with which they could do physical work. Some of their offspring later rebelled against their parents and founded cities such as Uruk, Eridu, Kish, Ur, Nippur, Bad-tibira and Larsa.
The term Anunnaki was popularized by Zecharia Sitchin’s translations of Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh tales including Atrahasis, Enuma Elish, Epic of Creation, Erra and Ishum, Lugalbanda I, etc., published in his book series titled The Earth Chronicles starting in 1976.
Sitchin claimed that many other stories from Babylonian mythological literature describe encounters between humans and gods similar to those documented by him in his translations.
He wrote a number of books elaborating his interpretations of Sumerian texts.
Other authors have built upon Sitchin’s work, notably including David Rohl, who proposes a revised chronology for ancient Egypt; and Andrew Collins, who has written extensively about perceived connections with Ancient Egypt in general. All these theories are controversial and disputed.
Are stories on Annunaki true?
While many people believe there’s no such thing as aliens, many others say otherwise. There are those who can clearly remember being abducted by aliens and those who have had very unusual encounters. They’re stories that are hard to believe, but upon further examination of their evidence, you might find that their claims aren’t so far-fetched after all. Stories about true-life alien abductions go back hundreds of years and have become more prevalent over time, with stories appearing in news outlets more frequently than ever before.
Where do these extraterrestrials come from?
Some say they’re from other planets while others claim they come from another dimension or plane of existence entirely.
What do aliens look like?
This is one of those questions that has yet to be answered with a clear, concise answer. We know that some claim to have seen them, and we know from stories across time and place that they tend to be humanoid in shape, but beyond that not much else can be concluded. Maybe it’s better that way. Maybe if you knew what they looked like in advance, they wouldn’t seem so alien at all.
Where did Annunaki exist?
Some believe that they were originally from Earth and that they once lived here with us. Others say they came from another planet entirely, landing here thousands of years ago to aid in our development.
Are there still Annunaki living among us today?
Some say yes, while others claim no. All we know for sure is that if there are any left, they’re keeping a very low profile. If you do encounter one, though, don’t be afraid—they might just want to help you!
Who are Annunaki?
They’re an ancient race of people who were said to have lived here thousands of years ago. Their name translates to those who from heaven came, and they’re believed to be some of our planet’s earliest ancestors.
What did Annunaki look like?
Most stories say that they were humanoid in shape, but beyond that not much else can be concluded.
What did Annunaki do here?
Some say they were peaceful while others claim they brought a lot of destruction with them. We know very little about them other than what we’ve learned through stories and legends—but perhaps it’s better that way. Maybe if you knew what they looked like in advance, you wouldn’t seem so alien at all.
How many Annunaki are there?
There are as many answers to this question as there are questions. If you ask one person, they might tell you that there was only one Annunaki; if you ask another person, they might tell you that there were millions of them! There’s no clear answer because few details exist regarding their existence and even fewer facts remain today.
What language did the Anunnaki speak?
Again, there’s no clear answer to this question either. If you ask one person, they might tell you that they spoke English; if you ask another person, they might tell you that it was a dialect of Japanese or German or any number of languages. All we know for sure is that if anyone speaks their language today, they keep it secret.
Do Annunaki still live among us?
Some say yes, while others claim no. This is another case where your best bet is to choose your own answer based on what you believe to be true. If you believe that aliens don’t exist and never have existed, then obviously there aren’t any Annunaki living among us today. But if you believe otherwise, then maybe it’s time to start looking around for signs of their presence.
How to pronounce Anunnaki?
Again, it depends on whom you ask. You could find someone who says ann-yoo-nack-ee or ann-yoo-nack-eye or any number of ways to pronounce their name. All we know for sure is that if anyone speaks their language today, they keep it secret.
Where can I learn more about Annunaki?
More than likely, you’ll find more information by searching online rather than asking someone directly.
When did Annunaki arrive?
Again, there’s no clear answer to this question either. If you ask one person, they might tell you that they arrived thousands of years ago; if you ask another person, they might tell you that they arrived just last week!
What religion does Annunaki follow?
Once again, there’s no clear answer to this question either. If you ask one person, they might tell you that they follow Buddhism; if you ask another person, they might tell you that they follow Islam or Christianity or Judaism or anything else under the sun!
Who created Annunaki?
No one knows for sure. While some may say that they were created by God, others claim that they had nothing to do with Him whatsoever.
How long did Annunaki stay on Earth?
Again, there’s no clear answer to this question either. If you ask one person, they might tell you that they stayed here forever; if you ask another person, they might tell you that they left after just a day or two!
You can read more about Annunaki by visiting ati website.
There are a number of other Annunaki books in print, but what you’ve just read is our collection of favorites. What do you think? Is there an Annunaki book that we missed? Let us know by dropping us an email.
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