This article on Best Books on ESL for Teachers is compiled after spending a lot of time on the research on these books. I have personally found these books to be very useful. These are my personal recommendations.
We all have different teachers for different subjects, be it a Math teacher or a chemistry one. Each teacher is a specialist in her field. A math teacher is not likely to teach chemistry and chemistry teacher math.
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Just like that, we have ESL teachers for a specific purpose and note that they are different from the general English teachers.
But, have you ever heard of ESL teachers? Or, what in fact does ESL stand for?
Click here to check some of the best ESL Books on Amazon.
We are living in the 21st century and one thing that is noticeable is the emergence of English. We all know that English has become the most common language that is spoken all around the world. But, an interesting thing to point out is that not all countries have English as their native language.
Thus, we have ESL teachers for this exact purpose. First, let’s know what ESL stands for?
ESL is the short form for English as a Second Language.
Instructors or teachers who have attained the required qualification do teach English to students whose first language is not English.
The main aim of ESL teachers is to make these students fluent in English and make them familiar with the grammar structure.

If you are one of the ESL teachers, you must be knowing the proper method of introducing English to the students or the learners. You would initially begin with the basics and then later on move on to the advanced structure of English.
To make someone fully prepared in English, teachers focus on the reading, speaking, listening and writing capabilities of the learner. Being an ace in all four areas will open your path to communications with the world, through this one widely known and used language.
Loved the idea of teaching English to other students?
All you will need to do is enroll in some other certificate courses. There are three kinds of courses: TEFL, TESL, or TESOL. Each of the courses varies accordingly.
But, one thing common is and that can be termed as compulsory is in all of them you need to have a bachelor’s degree before enrolling yourselves for the courses.
Today, we will mainly focus on ESL and ESL teachers. We have done our work of researching and made a list of the best books on ESL for teachers. All the books are guaranteed to help you. They will be your guidebook and source of assistance.
So, here begins the list of the top 5 ESL books.
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List of Best Books on ESL for Teachers 2021
1. The Ultimate ESL Teaching Manual: No Textbooks, Minimal Equipment Just Fantastic Lessons Everywhere
– by Andromeda Jones
“A great book with fun and effective lessons.”

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The Ultimate ESL Teaching Manual: No Textbooks, Minimal Equipment Just Fantastic Lessons Everywhere by Andromeda Jones — Andromeda Jones, the author tells everyone to become the new genius. She says that instead of only focusing and rote learning all the rules and concepts, you can initiate learning through something interesting yet meaningful.
The book is a step-by-step guide on how to teach English grammar. ESL teachers need to make sure that their class is interesting and engage the students by using activities like role plays, games and problem-solving activities mentioned in the book. The book has a different vocabulary set for every beginner, intermediate and advanced level student.
It can be viewed as a great source of help for ESL programs as well as a resource for teachers teaching English. There are several worksheets at the end to track the daily progress of your students. Everything in a single book, filled with information and content.
One piece of advice to all ESL teachers is to make your students as much engaged and interested as possible in the classroom, and also encourage them to speak more during the lesson. The book already has detailed lessons, and teachers just need to put them into action. Andromeda Jones has written other ESL books too, so you can check them out, they are fantastic! Read More
2. ESL Classroom Activities for Teens and Adults
– by Shelley Ann Vernon
“A favorite resource for teachers to make their classes engaging and entertaining.”

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ESL Classroom Activities for Teens and Adults by Shelley Ann Vernon — Shelly-Ann Vernon was of the view that learning or studying should not be hard and dull. She believed that some fun should be included while teaching. Therefore, using all the stories, games and drama activities can help breeze the energetic vibe in the classroom. These extra activities not only are enjoyable but also helpful in making the students get used to the language.
This particular book makes English easier and fun to learn for your foreign students. It presents you with various ideas through which you can increase the engagement of students and make them more involved in the learning process.
The author urges you to motivate your learners and instill a sense of confidence in them. Overall, this book is great to learn and remember grammar and vocabulary. We recommend this book to new teachers to create a comfortable class environment and increase student participation.
The book will also guide all the ESL teachers on how to avoid some teaching pitfalls and become effective teachers. Using this book as a source of guidance will reduce a teacher’s nervousness as to what to prepare for the next class. Read More
3. ESL Games For The Classroom: 101 Interactive Activities To Engage Your Students With Minimal Prep
– by Michael DiGiacomo
“A highly recommended book to ESL teachers to make their classes more interactive.”

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ESL Games For The Classroom: 101 Interactive Activities To Engage Your Students With Minimal Prep by Michael DiGiacomo — The more interesting and interactive the classes are, the more will be the student’s span of engagement and attention. Teaching theories and methods do benefit, but teachers need to make sure that they are properly being understood.
Therefore, this book by Michael is perfect to clear the concepts and help them practice by following some activities and games. All the activities and games are created and focused on improving the reading, listening, speaking and writing skills of the English learners.
Teachers need not do any advanced preparation for the class, you can just pick up activities from the list included in the book. The book is the solution to make a class more exciting and involved by introducing educational games to the standard curriculum. And, also the author shares some ways to increase class productivity. Read More
4. ESL Intermediate/ Advanced Grammar
– by Mary Ellen Munoz Page and Steven Michael Gras
“An excellent resource for both ESL tutors and students.”

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ESL Intermediate/ Advanced Grammar by Mary Ellen Munoz Page and Steven Michael Gras — Non-native speakers of English can gain a lot of benefits from this book. The book begins with a simple explanation of grammar and then has exercises to build the learned skills. The writers of this book believe that with extensive practice, one can excel in a language, therefore there are various tests in the book with answer keys.
A comprehensive glossary is there for the learners to know the meaning of every new word they come across in the book. To sum up, it is a useful and effective book to be used in a classroom or for the purpose of self-studies. With this book at your hand, you will master the language in no time. Just remember to practice regularly to make yourself use it. Read More
5. Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners (Third Edition)
– by Edward Swick

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Practice Makes Perfect: English Grammar for ESL Learners (Third Edition) by Edward Swick — Learning a new language is not a cakewalk, but one can excel at it with time and much effort. There’s a lot to learn when you decide to teach yourself something new. This book by Edward Swick will help in building a strong foundation in English grammar.
Using the proven practice makes perfect format, beginners of English language can polish their English grammar skills, and hence become more confident in speaking and writing English. The book helps you learn all the rules related to English grammar and sentence structure.
There are 100 engaging exercises to busy the minds of the language learners. A review section is included at the end to check your progress level. With this book and some practice, you will soon become proficient in English. This book will become your best companion on your journey of tricky English grammar. Read More
6. English for Everyone: Level 1 Beginner
by DK

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English for Everyone: Level 1 Beginner by DK — DK was established by the City of London in 1974. It is now the world’s most renowned illustrated reference publisher, and a part of the Penguin Random House division of Bertelsmann. DK publishes visually-rich photographic non-fiction written by both children and adults.
English for Everyone is a collection of instructional and practice books that support English education for adult learners at beginning to intermediate and advanced English. It is a simple format that provides guidance on teaching English as a foreign or second language, as well as a self-study method that includes resources to enhance English reading, speaking, and writing.
- It follows a logical flow through the content
- It teaches you the vocabulary of a specific area, then teaches you about the basics of grammar and incorporates exercises to combine the grammar and vocabulary
- It covers writing, reading as well as listening, speaking and reading
- It’s full of photos and is visually appealing
- It’s perfect for students who are supported by an instructor, friend, or a family member. Read More
7. English Made Easy: A New ESL Approach
by Jonathan Crichton, and Pieter Koster

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English Made Easy Volume One: A New ESL Approach: Learning English Through Pictures by Jonathan Crichton, and Pieter Koster — Jonathan Crichton is a research member of the Center of Languages and Cultures Education at the University of South Australia. He has a Ph.D. in Linguistics and an MA in Applied Linguistics.
Pieter Koster is a Senior Learning Design Officer in the Center for Learning Innovation, which is part of the Department of Education and Training in NSW. He has an honors degree in Arts along with an MA in Applied Linguistics.
English Made Easy is a breakthrough in English language learning — imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help readers learn more productively. It offers beginning English learners an easy way to access the grammar, vocabulary and other functions of English in the context of how it’s employed in a variety of social contexts.
The topics and level were immediately helpful and included illustrations and colors which made it appealing visually. There were also subtraction exercises that were useful when needed, They weren’t boring like the majority of substitution exercises. Read More
The above were the best 5 books on ESL according to us. There are many other books also on the same topic. It’s just that the approaches and methods of authors may be different, but their aim is the same. That is to help their readers be fluent in both speaking and writing English.
So, what are you waiting for? Go check your nearest bookstores for these books, if not there then you have multiple online sites through which you can order to your liking.
You can refer to Wikipedia page to read more on ESL.
A few words for the ESL teachers from us is to always be patient and encourage your students to participate more in the classroom.
If you want to include your favorite ESL books in this article on Best Books on ESL for Teachers, please leave the description in the comment section. We will include it in next update.
Read: Best Books for English Teachers and Students
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