Do you believe that books can heal you and play a major role in helping you living a good life?
The hustle and bustle of life leaves us empty from inside. We get lost in the problems and forget how to live a purposeful life. We are filled with negativity, which doesn’t allow us to look at the purpose of the life.
Checkout These Amazing Books
Some changes leave us shattered, and we refuse to come out of it. We become so attached with that pain that we surround ourselves with more pain and sorrow.
In today’s era where 33% of world’s population suffer from depression and have anxiety disorders, it becomes important to know the art of living a good life.
A meaningful life gives positive contributions and constructive direction.
It brings positive changes and helps in growth of society as well.
We have brought you the collection of books that will inspire and help you to bring a drastic change in the way you live life.

This collection will teach the importance of living a good life for a better and meaningful future.
It will help to accept the change and have a positive outlook towards life. These books also come with practical tips to make your life purposeful.
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List of Best Books on Living a Good Life You Will Love for Sure
1. Living a Good Life
by David Patchell-Evans

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Living a Good Life by David Patchell-Evans — David is a founder and CEO of Good Life Fitness Clubs. Through his book he has tried to explain that change is a constant process of nature. We either have to live or die. It totally depends on us to choose the way we want to lead a life.
His book comes up with an idea of feeling good from inside. He has clarified the difference between athletics and fitness. He has focused on mental, emotional and spiritual well-being along with outer body fitness.
With proper investment of efforts, one can become mentally and emotionally fit and lead a happy life. Read More
2. Keep Moving
by Maggie Smith

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Keep Moving by Maggie Smith — Award-winning author of several poetic books, Maggie Smith has tried to tell the readers to accept the change in life.
Her books revolve around the idea of new beginnings and opportunities for transformation.
She urges the readers to reduce expectations, accept change, learn from experience and embrace wisdom. Beginnings are scary and unpredictable, but surely lead to a better life in the end.
As the title suggests, it’s a book about moving ahead in life in all situations because nothing is constant and accepting the change only brings positivity and a promise for a good life. People who go with the flow of life by accepting happiness as well as sorrows in the same amount, live a better life. Read More
3. Forgiving What You Can’t Forget
by Lysa Terkeurst

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Forgiving What You Can’t Forget by Lysa Terkeurst — Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, as the title reveals, is all about finding a solution to the pain, forgiving people for the wrong they did and making life again a beautiful journey.
The author throughout the book walks with you as a mentor to help you in healing yourself from the sufferings and working on your life and giving yourself the main priority. Avoiding things and people responsible for your sufferings will only accelerate the pain, so sit and think and find a solution.
With Lysa, you can discover what Bible says about forgiveness and proper way to release the pain inside you. Read More
4. The Good and Beautiful Life
by James Bryan Smith

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The Good and Beautiful Life by James Bryan Smith — “I have never met a guy whose goal was to ruin his or her life. We all want to be happy, and we want it all the time,” says James Bryan Smith, the author, whose prime motive is to tell you practical tips for following God in daily life.
This book includes various topics for group discussion at the end of the chapters, spiritual practice and set of questions for self-development and better understanding of the text. He says instead of getting to the heaven, make heaven inside you by following the God path. Read More
5. Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

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Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun — Everyone wants to have a connection with God and to also practice certain tips to get closer to the God. Adele has tried to teach the readers to learn various ways for closeness with Christ. Spiritual Disciplines is for those who want to be like Christ and know him deeply.
It’s not just about spiritual disciplines, but it also comes with practical tips to get closer to Him. Read More
6. Stop Living On Autopilot
by Antonio Neves

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Stop Living On Autopilot by Antonio Neves — Antonio Neves is an internationally recognized leadership speaker, award-winning journalist and author. He says live your life on your own terms. Do not let other people give you suggestion on how to live your Life.
Human is a social animal and gets affected by the opinions and thoughts of the people around.
In order to live a happy life, it becomes necessary to never allow your mind to think the way others want it to. You should have your own opinions in your life. He asks the reader to live your life on your terms. Never settle for less, make yourself a priority and make your own rules for your life. Read More
7. On Fire
by John O’Leary

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On Fire by John O’Leary — It’s very hard to relive the moments that are impossible to forget. Putting forward your life’s story in front of the world so that others too can learn from you.
On Fire is a short biography of the author covering that phase of his life where he burned nearly his entire body at a tender age of nine. Still, after that he came back, appreciated God to save his life and started living a life he wanted. He says true joy comes from gratitude. Expressing gratitude to the God for giving life, and happiness, makes life little easier.
He proposes to live every moment of your life because the life is unpredictable. You never know what you might face the very next moment. Read More
8. Advice on Dying, And Living a Better Life
by Dalai Lama

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Advice on Dying, And Living a Better Life by Dalai Lama — “If you have a strong certainty about death and of the uncertainty of its arrival, you will be motivated from within.” It will be as if a good friend is cautioning, “Be careful, be earnest, another day is passing.” Through these lines from his book, he has tries to tell that death is the ultimate truth.
Accept the fact that death is inevitable. He asks the reader to treat friends and foe the same. He has also mentioned about great leaders who made big castles as if they were to live forever. He wants us to understand that attachment with materialistic things will only make life miserable. Reduce the expectations and keep hope within to live a balanced life. Read More
9. Think like a Monk
by Jay Shetty

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Think like a Monk by Jay Shetty — When everyone went to their college graduation ceremony, Shetty came to India and lived like a monk to help others. After three years, he went back to North London and helped his friend’s to overcome stress as a coach.
Since then, he has evolved himself as an influencer to guide other people on how to overcome negativity and find happiness in every moment.
In his book, he has shared his experience as a monk and the lessons he learned there. He believes everyone’s life is a gift, and we should reduce stress to enjoy our life. His book consists of practices, tips and tricks to keep you happy and contented. He himself has stated that the principles written in the book are followed by him too. Read More
10. Love is the Way
by Michael B. Curry

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Love is the Way by Michael B. Curry — Bishop Michael Curry is a son of a civil rights activist. The world knew him when he delivered his sermon on the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. His book puts forward the idea of using love to overcome poverty, racism, selfishness, and hatred prevailed in the society.
He is an utmost devotee of love. He addresses everything from segregation, dreams for the future, political unrest, division as a nation, immigration and tie them all together with love. Furthermore, he believes that love has the power to overcome any difficulty. We just need to have patience. His book comes up with the idea of accepting love as the ultimate truth and power of the universe. Read More
11. Life on Purpose
by Victor J. Stretcher

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Life on Purpose by Victor J. Stretcher — Many people have told the importance of purposeful life, but through his book Victor has tried to explain the incredible connection between purposeful life and scientific evidence on the quality of life and longevity.
It’s a short biography of the author where he lost his child, leaving the author devastated and in a state of loss. He has tried to tell the flow of life in a very creative way. According to him, SPACE (Sleep, Presence, Activity, Creativity and Eating) is the best way to keep yourself moving. He has told the importance of accepting change for living a good life. It comes with a lot of scientific references to live a healthy life. Read More
12. Ikigai
by Hector Gracia & Francesc Miralles

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Ikigai by Hector Gracia & Francesc Miralles — “Life is not a problem to be solved, just remember to have something that keeps you busy doing what you love while being surrounded by the people who love you.”
It’s a simple book which has been written to provide the readers practical ways to make life easier, happy and long. Cleaning the stress, jealousy, hatred, greed out of your mind keeps the mind healthy. Doing new things, learning new skills, are mind boosters. Never get too overwhelmed by the pleasures given by life. People should understand that good days and bad days are two sides of a coin. They should know the art of balancing both the sides. A balanced life brings fruitful results. Read More
13. Good Vibes, Good Life
by Vex King

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Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King — Can you covert your negativity into positivity?
Vex King has come upon with a brilliant work. His book revolves around the idea that negativity is mere a thought of human beings. Everyone should know the art of converting negativity into positivity. We should also never allow our mind to control us. A mind controlling you brings disbalance in your life.
He asks the reader for self-care, to cultivate positive habits, overcome fear and become an inspiration for others. Read More
14. The Good Life
by Derwin Gray

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The Good Life by Derwin Gray — We waste a lot of energy, money, and efforts on finding the happiness we deserve. But we do not get back the desired results always. It is because the author thinks that it’s not necessary that the happiness we are searching for is created for us.
In his book, he has used various Bible preferences to tell the readers that true happiness can be searched by living with the Jesus and following his principles. His book asks the reader to trust Jesus and follow him. Read More
15. The Simple Life
by Gary Collins

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The Simple Life by Gary Collins — Are you tired of chasing happiness and following the terms and conditions of the society?
Gary Collins asks his readers to stay calm and follow the principles of Jesus to live a happy life. What has happened, has happened. You can’t change it. Give your energy to what matters and move forward. He believes that constantly moving ahead in life brings balance in life and makes it meaningful. Read More
16. On Reading Well
by Karen Swallow Prior

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On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Books by Karen Swallow Prior — Karen, in the very beginning of her book, asks the reader to read slow. Isn’t it strange?
Well, she has an explanation for this too.
She believes speed-reading gives you two things that you should never mix: superficial knowledge and overconfidence. Through this book, Karen makes us believe that speed reading do us more harm than good.
Her book helps the reader to distinguish between vice and virtue. She has used lots of examples of great books that help in bringing balance, prosperity, happiness, and peace in one’s life. Read More
17. A Little Book on Joy
by Matthew C. Harrison

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A Little Book on Joy: The Secret of Living a Good News Life in a Bad News World by Matthew C. Harrison — Everyone wants to live a good life but how?
Well, Matthew has answered this question through his book.
He says anyone who is suffering from the bad vibes of the world would get positive results after reading this book. It consistently points out the work of Jesus and ways to overcome problems in today’s world.
It also consists of various kind of joys in a Christian’s life. He asks the reader to focus more on joys rather than sorrows. Sorrows are temporary, but little joys bring consistency, stability, and peace. He has tried to guide the reader to head for little joys in Life. Read More
18. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck
by Mark Manson

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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson — This book is written by a popular blogger and accidental life coach, who stays quite bold and straight-forward throughout the book.
As the title suggests, not giving a fuck is actually life saver in today’s world. If you constantly are affected by people’s opinions about your life, choices and moves then your life will become bitter day-by-day.
This book will help you to become more practical and realistic. The world has established some happiness boundaries where happiness means a good job, a big house, car, vacations and a good salary. A person is allowed to be happy only if he possesses the mentioned things.
The author asks the reader to create your own definition of happiness. According to him, materialistic happiness leaves your empty from inside. Read More
19. On Target Living
by Chris Johnson

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On Target living: Your Guide to a life of Balance, Energy and Vitality by Chris Johnson — In today’s era where bad food choices and low standard of living has deteriorated the quality of life, our author comes with an idea of healthy eating to make body healthy from inside and bring drastic change in life.
The book focuses on developing healthy eating habits including exercise to increase the productivity at work and bring balance in life. Read More
20. Living off the Grid
by Gary Collins

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Living off the Grid: What to Expect While Living the Life of Ultimate Freedom and Tranquility by Gary Collins — Living Off the Grid, comes up with the author’s experience of success and failures so that the readers can enjoy the simple life.
Read this book and let it calm your anxiety; bring a constant flow in your thoughts and lifestyle. If you want an experienced person to guide you through the ups and downs of life, then Gary Collins and his book is the right choice. Go get a copy for yourself! Read More
All the above-mentioned books are a good choice if you are looking forward to bringing a meaning to your life and live life to its fullest.
Every book has its own unique identity that will help you to start a new life with a purpose and achieve your dreams and be happy.
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