

  • Book outlines step-by-step yoga sequence
  • Follows teachings of viniyoga-yoga
  • Desikachar is renowned as a yoga teacher
  • Book covers new spectrum of Krishnamacharya’s yoga
  • All elements of yoga covered
  • Poses and counterposes, meditation, conscious breathing, and philosophy

The Heart of Yoga by T. K. V. Desikachar

The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice by T. K. V. Desikachar

If you want to master yoga but have no idea where to start, a good place to begin is with T. K. V. Desikachar’s The Heart of Yoga: Developing a Personal Practice. While some might be turned off by a text on yoga that isn’t really about yoga, you’ll be glad you picked up Desikachar’s book.

This volume is an excellent guide for all levels of practitioners who are looking to understand their practice beyond doing just asanas (poses).

In addition, it helps yoga teachers put into words and context what they do in class and often take for granted, particularly as it relates to personal health issues and teaching techniques.

The essence of yoga is quite simple: to focus one’s mind and body so that one becomes fully aware of their presence, in a relaxed yet aware state.

Through these exercises, you will be able to breathe deeply and relax your entire body from head to toe. This book goes through yoga postures, including twists, forward bends, back bends and inversions; breathing techniques (pranayama); meditations and asanas.

With regular practice, you will feel more at ease with your present moment and become more comfortable with whatever it may bring.

At times when stress is high or anxiety creeps in, a few moments of self-awareness through these practices can help restore balance to both your mind and body.

But developing a personal yoga practice isn’t easy – there are many things to consider before ever touching your first pose: how often should I practice? How much time do I have available? What props do I need? Which poses work best for me? Is my schedule too erratic for an active meditation routine like yoga, anyway? Does my body need rest instead of exercise after workouts?

Fortunately, these questions have all been answered by Yogi Desikachar himself in his definitive guide to beginning yoga and creating a lifelong habit. You’ll learn about common fears such as falling off your mat during inverted poses, and also complex conditions such as pregnancy; he teaches practitioners how to modify traditional poses while still honoring them, helping each student tailor their practice towards improving health and well-being.

Best of all, Desikachar offers multiple options for each pose; he describes several variations on each posture along with notes on which he believes will be most beneficial for certain students.

Also, included in the book are anatomical illustrations so that readers can learn more about different muscle groups, ligaments, joints, bones, nerves, endocrine glands and organs affected by daily stretches.

Learn Chair Yoga Poses for Home Practice

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