

  • Complete manual of Raja Yoga
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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda

The Satchidananda yoga series is a great book set on learning different styles of yoga. The text contains detailed descriptions about each pose, how to work your way into difficult poses, and how long you should hold them for.

What makes it stand out from other books is that it also includes translations from Sanskrit so you know exactly what you’re reading. This is an excellent book set for both beginners and advanced practitioners alike.

The benefits of yoga come in more ways than just improved flexibility or better health. This classic text will show you that anyone can achieve enlightenment through taking time out of your day to practice meditation techniques.

If you’re brand new to yoga, we highly recommend you start with The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. It’s a short read that offers insights into basic meditation practices, breathing techniques, and postures (asanas).

This book is a great way to get started in yoga. Written as 196 verses of spiritual advice, these are some of the oldest teachings on meditation and proper living.

They focus primarily on how we react and respond to situations, rather than coming up with techniques or methods. Rather than giving step-by-step instructions, they give ideas that should inspire practitioners.

This classic was first published in 1883, making it one of the older resources available today. However, despite its age, much of its information is still relevant.

The Satchidananda version of The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a well-loved classic, with four distinct translations included in one beautifully produced book.

It’s an excellent place to start for beginners looking for basic insight into yogic philosophy.

Not all of it will make sense at first glance—and that’s okay. It isn’t designed as a sequential guide on how to do yoga; rather, it’s meant as an introduction to ideas you can use when doing other yoga books (like those recommended below).

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself opening back up these pages again years from now; I know many yogis who keep their copies close by just so they can review key passages from time to time.

Learn Chair Yoga Poses for Home Practice

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