What are the Best Books on Parrots? This is the most common question asked by parrot lovers as they struggle to find some good books that can help them take care of their parrots well.
There are numerous books available for parrot pet bird owners. They are written on different range of species that can help you care for your pet, to books which will inspire you in your life taking lessons from the wildlife.
We should see a few books that any parrot lovers would be glad to add to their list.
One of my friends is an ardent parrot lover. I am amazed at the way he takes care of his parrots.
Some of the species that he has are – Red-fronted Parrot, Yellow-fronted Parrot, Brown-headed Parrot, Thick-billed Parrot, and Grey Parrot. He has a huge collection of different pets at his home.
These books are recommended by him. He has found these books extremely helpful in the care of his parrots.

This article on Best Books on Parrots for Bird Lovers is compiled based on his recommendation. Hope you will take some clue from this list and get yourself a good book to help you take care of your love bird.
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List of Best Books on Parrots for Bird Lovers
1. Beak of the Moon by Philip Temple

Beak of the Moon by Philip Temple — The story highlights the lives of parrots in the wildlife of New Zealand, and the author has successfully tried everything possible to bring out the reality of the lives of parrots through the perspective of parrots. This may seem a unique approach to the story but this way, anyone would understand the importance of how things are for these little creatures.
The fascinating characters in this book will keep the reader hooked on to the story to know more about their lives. It has shown how they were even affected by the intrusion of Europeans when they tried to settle down along with their sheep for a living. These day-to-day challenges are also highlighted here to make the readers understand their plight. The way nature is portrayed here will make you feel you are among them and not in your home reading this beautiful book. Do grab this if you are someone who is interested in knowing more about parrots and their lives in the wild. Read More
2. Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrot Discovered a Hidden World of Animal Intelligence — and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process by Irene M. Pepperberg

Alex & Me: How a Scientist and a Parrots Discovered the Hidden World of Animal Intelligence – and Formed a Deep Bond in the Process by Irene M. Pepperberg — If you are looking for a book that will provide you with the knowledge of parrots from an experienced owner itself, then this is for you. It may seem quite scientific at the first glance as it is written by a well-researched author who has plenty of experience in the field but once you get into reading it you will understand it is also for the ones who are not from a science background and can easily understand the language.
If you are a bird lover, you probably already know how smart and clever these birds can be. You will find interesting details about the lives of parrots which are researched and found by the author for the world to know. The scientific details further help in understanding some facts on their occurrence. You can read this book for an amazing experience which will give you pleasure as well the facts about these little birds. If you are interested in the science of knowing their behavior then this is definitely for you to read. Read More
3. Of Parrots and People by Mira Tweti

Of Parrots and People by Mira Tweti — This is an amazing book written by Mira Tweti on these wonderful birds. If you dig deeper into this book you will come across such details that will change your perspective and outlook on parrots. There is so much more unknown about their lives that are yet to be discovered by the common people. In this book, there are also some cruel instances of these birds were trapped which led to the decline in the number of parrots. The wild parrots were targeted profoundly and the author has tried to uplift these harsh realities of the lives of parrots.
It highlights the need to be aware of the fact that they are being endangered constantly and people need to be really cautious about their behavior on these beautiful creatures who are the asset of this wonderful nature and must be saved at any cost. It is very informative as well in informing the facts about these birds to the readers. If you are looking for a book that would highlight the past and present realities of parrots in the wild, then this book is for you. Read More
4. Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird: A True Story by Stephanie Spinner

Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird: A True Story by Stephanie Spinner — The book ‘Alex the Parrot: No Ordinary Bird: A True Story’ by Stephanie Spinner is more on the brighter side has beautiful illustrations and pictures in it. This book is aimed at the readers of the young generation and little children who are interested in knowing about the lives of parrots.
Here you will come across the life of a parrot named Alex, and his whole journey from being a pet to become a subject of an experimental journey, this book deals with these incidents that took place in the life of Alex, the parrot. Even more fascinating, how Alex learns words and vocabularies and gradually enough words to be able to form complete sentences. He is even able to state the objective differences between certain objects by their color, shape, and characteristics differences.
Even though the story does end with the tragic death of Alex, the parrot but through the studies in which Alex has contributed throughout his life will carry on his legacy and the readers who are reading about him will know about his impactful life and wonders in the study of parrots. Read More
5. The Parrot Who Owns Me: The Story of a Relationship by Joanne Burger

The book ‘The Parrot Who Owns Me: The Story of a Relationship’ by Joanne Burger is on the lighter side of mood. This book is honest in its information and is simply crisp in providing the detailed perspective of parrots in a funny manner which makes the reading even more interesting.
The author Joanna Burger is a biologist by profession which helps to bring the scientific side of the lives of parrots in this book. The pieces of information and the facts aside, this book is very personal for the author in her relationship with her parrot which shows the kind of affection one needs to provide their pets regardless of their prior belongings.
If you have ever owned a bird yourself, then you would be able to relate to this personal book on some deeper level. Every pet deserves the love and affection of its owner and reverts with even greater love. The fact that not only the relationship but this book also deals with the destruction problem of their habitat which must be resolved soon or else these beautiful creatures will not be able to live freely. Read More
6. Jasper, Amazon Parrot: A Rainforest Adventure by Sharon C. Williams

Jasper, Amazon Parrot: A Rainforest Adventure by Sharon C. Williams — An adorable story, filled with fun humor and adventure perfect for kids. Starting from a bright-colored cover page following the story of two young parrots learning to spread their wings for the first time in the rainforest.
A very sweet composition of the lives of parrots, with a warm touch of relatable feeling to it. Short, wonderful read full of magical ways of expressing nature will feed your heart with love and warmth for younger kids. The underlying theme of adapting into the new world, new experiences in an educational way.
First, Jasper was scared of the height of the tree but soon learned to have faith in his mother to take his first step. Life lessons are extensively made understandable through the experiences of life of Jasper. Kids will enjoy this book as it is specially made for young readers to be fascinated by the life of Jasper. If you are a parent yourself, you would be glad to introduce this book to your kid which not only shows the life of the parrot but also ends with a moral lesson to look forward in life amidst the hurdles. Read More
7. The Real Macaw by Donna Andrews

In this book ‘The Real Macaw’ by Donna Andrews, Meg Langslow share their story of encountering a Macaw. In the middle of the night when she was with her four-year-old twins, they heard some noises which she was uncertain about. She goes downstairs to check but finds herself surrounded by huge numbers of birds all around her.
You won’t be able to stop yourself from laughing at all the mess Meg Langslow finds herself in, even in the middle of the night. It does not end here but goes on to reveal that one of the volunteers who was involved in rescuing all these birds has been found dead. The author has written this book in such a manner that anyone will be fascinated by how engaging this book is which constantly brings entertainment to the readers.
All these crazy events and the consequences of the huge chaos caused by the rescue operation are funny enough to continue reading. Even children would love this book, which has its twists and turns and keeps pleasantly engaging the readers. Read More
8. Birds of a Feather: A True Story of Hope and the Healing Power of Animals by Lorin Lindner

This book ‘Birds of a Feather: A true story of Hope and the Healing Power of Animals’ by Lorin Lindner talks about an important aspect of human life that is their mental health and well-being in general. The healing power of these birds has been highlighted in this book.
One may not understand or realize that birds can be of great help to people who are having some traumas and are depressed in their lives, the sense of being lonely can be heart-wrenching at times. This book discovers how birds can be of therapy to anyone who has been distressed by their mental health problems and are in dire need of some loving assistance. This book highlights the healing power of these birds and how they have helped people with their massive problems in their critical situation.
It is not only healing for humans but the interaction is therapeutic for the animals too and can be helpful in the longer run. This book would be helpful and inspirational for the readers, it will encourage them to make the best out of their lives and enjoy every moment of their lives. There is so much more to know about these birds and the power in their affection. Do give this book a read, if you want to know about the healing power of animals or birds. Read More
9. The Last Flight of the Scarlet Macaw: One woman’s Fight to Save the World’s Most Beautiful Bird by Bruce Barcott

The book ‘The Last Flight of the Scarlet Macaw: One Woman’s Fight to Save the World’s Most Beautiful Bird’ by Bruce Barcott deals with the struggle to save the habitat of these birds which were about to be destroyed by the politicians and construction people. It hits on to a very sensitive topic and the insensitive nature of some cruel people who are misusing the power of society.
This book is strongly recommended if you want to be aware of the ecological realities of nature and how the construction of dams can be of huge threat to the lives of these beautiful birds. It strictly highlights the ill-treatment of capitalists and huge power people who are misusing their power and ignoring the responsibilities they should have taken care of.
The author has done thoughtful research and given the details and information about the realities of how these big faces treat the ecological situation that needs utmost attention and care. This is an eye-opening book that opens up the harsh truth that must be known by all to save the lives of these beautiful creatures. Read More
10. Where Song Began: Australia’s Birds and How They Changed the World by Tim Low

This book ‘Where Song Began: Australia’s Birds and How They Changed the World’ by Tim Low will change your perspective on the lives of these birds and would make you wander on to the wilds of Australia. If you are someone who is interested in the evolution of these birds and the changes that occur with the evolution, you must look through this book.
The author, Tim Low has tried to be convincing enough for the readers into proving to them that songbirds must have evolved in the wilds among Australia. Tim Low, suggests how the other creatures of Australia have vast differences in their features with that of the Songbirds. He focuses on the various features of these birds which makes them different and stand out from the rest. As the competition for survival can be found anywhere among these birds, Tim shows how the smaller ones do not cope up with the aggressiveness of the Australian birds.
This book has great details about the lives of birds and their habitat, the evolutionary perspective, and the history of the birds can be knowledgeable for anyone keen to know about the birds since the beginning. You will be glad that you picked this informative yet crisp book packed with facts and pieces of information about the lives of these birds. Read More
There are so many more books to enlighten your knowledge about the wildlife and especially parrot. These are some of the books which have created an inspiring impact on the readers.
You will engage yourself in an adventurous ride full of knowledge about the wildlife and its effect on the life of human beings and how a simple creature in the wild can affect a person’s life.
You can visit Wikipedia to know more about parrots.
If you have come across a book on parrots that you think is worth mention in our article titled Best Books on Parrots for Bird Lovers, you can leave the name of the book in the comment section. We will surely review it in our next blog update.
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