Fear and anxiety are two inter-related experiences of human beings that are based on psychological and physiological aspects.
Both the conditions are part and parcel to each other in the sense that these are associated with many mental health issues and cause various problems like; phobia, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder, panic disorders, and so on.
Fear can cause anxiety and at the same time anxiety can cause fear.
Anxiety is a psychological and behavioral state that is induced in humans by a threat to their survival potentials.

Fear is an emotional response to a definite threat that commonly overlaps the person’s experiences. These are particularly termed as two sides of the same coin.
Fear is a known or understood threat, whereas anxiety is an unknown or poorly examined threat.
One must follow the advice of the experts and consult with them on the issues of fear and anxiety.
Different experts and doctors have given their valuable views to overcome the problem of anxiety and fear.
Certain books are also very helpful to cope-up with the issues of fear and anxiety.
I have in my research found these books very helpful in overcoming fear and anxiety in individuals. You can simply follow the tips in these books to cope with your everyday fears and issues related to anxiety. These books are my favorites.
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List of 10 Best Books to Overcome Fear and Anxiety
1. My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind
by Scott Stossel

My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind by Scott Stossel — This book is about the personal experience of the author Scott Stossel. He shows the personal condition of anxiety in different ways. The author tries to show the valuable suggestions of different scientists, philosophers, and other writers. The book also deals with the stories of different other people that have found successive control over their problems.
The author Scott Stossel tries to utter his own disorder that afflicts him and make us understand about it. It is a book having both pain and humor inside and teaches us the lesson to deal with the problems of anxiety in a way so that it cannot come again to us. Read More
2. The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
by Elaine N. Aron

The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N. Aron — The book ‘The Highly Sensitive Person; How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You’ is a work by Elaine N. Aron and is about different personality traits which are very effective. The author explains that the people who are shy, timid, introverted or inhibited come under the nature of Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). All these symptoms were included in the past HPS nature, but now Aron has reframed this stereotype to find out that the highly sensitive people are extrovert in nature.
The author articulates that the people of HSP make themselves pause before acting in a situation and it is because of their past experiences if any. Here, the author provides certain behavior patterns of the people having HSP, and it includes awareness of subtleties, overwhelmed nature in a stimulating environment, and so on. Read More
3. Fear Not to Be Strong: Vivekananda’s Message of Strength and Fearlessness
by Swami Tathagatananda

Fear Not to Be Strong: Vivekananda’s Message of Strength and Fearlessness by Swami Tathagatananda — This book is particularly based on the ideas of Swami Vivekananda about life, fear, and strength. The book is written by Swami Tathagatananda. The writer expresses the views of Swami Vivekananda by saying that both fear and strength are part and parcel of human health as well as society.
The book generates a feeling of fearlessness through the ideas of Vivekananda and can light up a better understanding of the younger generation. It generally highlights the basic nature of human beings and helps deal with various antisocial, inhuman activities in the surroundings. Read More
4. The Gift of Fear
by Gavin de Becker

The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker — The book ‘The Gift of Fear’ is about the warning signs of future violence. Gavin de Becker is the author of the book and he claims that it is a gift that signals us to protect for the future insurgency. It helps like a warning sign for which one can avoid being hurt and try to recognize the survival tricks that our brain provides us.
The book is very interesting for the readers as it provides provocative and empowering skills to deal with situations. The author tries to teach us how we can protect ourselves from any strange happenings, by learning trust and follow our gut instincts. Read More
5. Daring Greatly; How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the way we Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
by Brene Brown

Daring Greatly; How the Courage to be Vulnerable Transforms the way we Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown — The book is on how to improve our personal as well as professional relationships through the tricks and advice of how we can communicate with both the relations and give feedback in a way that will be understood. This book is written by Brene Brown. Through this book, the writer tries to say that our vulnerability is the actual strength of our life.
The book helps the readers to know the spirit of courage and desire. It lets the people to be themselves and provides a newer version of life which is powerful and full of new hope. Brown tries to make a chart to guide the readers to believe the world and think wiser about the inner beauty of the world. Read More
6. Fearless
by Max Lucado

Fearless by Max Lucado — The book ‘Fearless’ is very helpful for the readers to find a strong connection with the Almighty. The book deals with hopes and kindness where the author Max Lucado represents a story on the positive sides of life. The author tries to focus on the people to face their fear in front and with a fearless attitude. For this, he suggests the readers read the Bible and take lessons on the positive sides of life.
Through this book, the author tries to describe different types of fear that comes in our mind while having something. So, he suggests to have trust and think us without fear, insecurity, doubt, dread, and many more. Fear can take everything away from us. Therefore, the author says to trust ourselves and have some faith in the almighty. Read More
7. The Confidence Gap; A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt
by Russ Harris

The Confidence Gap; A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt by Russ Harris — This book deals with the innovative ideas of overcoming fear and self-doubt. The book tries to help the readers to regain and rebuild their self-confidence. The author Russ Harris uses an incredible and special theory of Acceptance and Commitment that helps in accepting our fears and emotions. He also explains values and morals which is again helpful in building our strength and courage with our fears and self-doubts.
The author amazingly explains how we can work on ourselves in a way as we are rather than putting ourselves to a condition where we forcefully try to alter ourselves. One can surely learn the methods of rethinking and creating innovative ideas to do things that matter although they seem to be impossible. The book is a clear picture to use mindfulness for handling negative thoughts and feelings. Read More
8. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway
by Dr. Susan Jeffers

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway by Dr. Susan Jeffers — The book ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ is an essential and beneficial reading that helps in turning out our fear into power. The author Dr. Susan Jeffers tries to articulate that our anger can be turned off into love and our decisions cannot be going in an imaginary site rather it turns into our actions only. It is a complete book of transformation with all positive sides. Here, Susan explains about five truths of fear and provides positive thinking to the readers.
The book will help the readers to improve their ability in handling any situation given to them. It allows us to move forward in our lives and face the issues with courage and confidence. We can live our life the way we want and overcome the problems of pain, depression, anxiety, fear, and indecision through our ability, power, enthusiasm, and action. Read More
9. The Power of your Sub-conscious Mind
by Joseph Murphy

The Power of your Sub-conscious Mind by Joseph Murphy — The book is a complete research work by Joseph Murphy and through this, he utters the readers to feel the power of changing fate. He explains that most of the things that happen in our lives have somehow resulted from the things that can be done in our conscious and subconscious minds. In this research, the author has studied all the religious writings and observes every religion for years. He discovered the strength of human beings comes from spiritual practices.
This book shows that the innate power of human beings to overcome all the fear and uncertainty in life. Some traits seem like habits of one’s daily life but in a real sense, it is controlled by a sub-conscious mind of individuals. Therefore, the book allows the readers to understand spiritual wisdom and try to find out the ways to overcome their anxiety and fear.
This book shows that the innate power of human beings to overcome all the fear and uncertainty in life. Some traits seem like habits of one’s daily life but in a real sense, it is controlled by a sub-conscious mind of individuals. Therefore, the book allows the readers to understand spiritual wisdom and try to find out the ways to overcome their anxiety and fear.
This book shows that the innate power of human beings to overcome all the fear and uncertainty in life. Some traits seem like habits of one’s daily life but in a real sense, it is controlled by a sub-conscious mind of individuals. Therefore, the book allows the readers to understand spiritual wisdom and try to find out the ways to overcome their anxiety and fear. Read More
10. Do it Scared; The Courage to Face your Fears, Overcome Adversity, and Create a Life you Love
by Ruth Soukup

Do it Scared; The Courage to Face your Fears, Overcome Adversity, and Create a Life you Love by Ruth Soukup — This book tells us about the original model of our fear and helps to overcome this. Ruth Soukup is the author of the book and tries to help us to deal with our fear and live our dreams fearlessly. Here, courage doesn’t mean fearlessness. It means the confidence to face the fear and through this piece of the book, the writer tries to help the readers to create a loving and desirable life. For this, she tries to provide seven models of fear. These are; the procrastinator, the rule follower, the people pleaser, the outcast, the self-doubter, the excuse maker, and the pessimist.
Ruth Soukup inspires the readers through this book to achieve all the courage and confidence that can be implemented to overcome the problem of fear and adversity. All the seven models of fear have their definitions and it is with the help of these seven models one can easily understand the strategies to implement for overcoming fear and resistance. The book will guide the readers to create a concrete action plan that further helps to move forward. Read More
Different writers have given different viewpoints to deal with the problems of fear and anxiety. But it is up to the readers to select an author who you can choose to help you deal with your issues.
All the above books are good when it comes to overcoming your fear and anxiety. These books a helpful to the readers in the sense that, it allows you to understand your fear and provides courage to face it.
You can visit Healthline.com to learn about 11 ways to cope anxiety.
In case you do not find your favorite book making to this list, you can always leave the name of the book in the comment section. We will for sure review it when we next update our blog titled “Best Books to Overcome Fear and Anxiety.”
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