Before we dive in to some of the best books on Christian eschatology, let’s first understand what Christian eschatology is. Christian eschatology deals with the end times, as taught in Christian theology and scripture.

Eschatology studies have branched off into multiple subtopics, including premillennialism, amillennialism, and postmillennialism as well as preterism, historicism, futurism, and idealism, which are covered in these books.
If you’re interested in learning more about this subject, here are some of the best books on Christian eschatology available today.
I’ve included an overview of each book along with its Amazon rating, so feel free to use it as a jumping-off point to find new books that interest you in this field.
You can check these books on, Books-A-Million or Amazon.
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List of The Best Books on Christian Eschatology
1. Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology
By Jürgen Moltmann
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Theology of Hope: On the Ground and the Implications of a Christian Eschatology by Jürgen Moltmann – Moltmann is a giant in German theology, and his Theology of Hope is one of his most famous works. He’s been quoted as saying that he wrote Theology of Hope as a young theologian to challenge Marxists who were denying any notion of hope or future betterment in favor of their belief in historical materialism. Moltmann’s work has implications for Christians, too, especially those who deny eschatological events; namely Jesus’ return and reign over mankind.
If you want to understand what your Bible means when it speaks about final things—and not just gloss over them—Moltmann’s Theology of Hope is an excellent place to start. Read More
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2. Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems
By Dr. David Jeremiah
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Where Do We Go from Here?: How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems by Dr. David Jeremiah — Today‘s headlines are filled with images of violence, chaos, and terrorism. In Where Do We Go from Here?, Dr. David Jeremiah connects our current struggles to a world that is running out of time. The apostle Paul said it best when he wrote, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet. For sound has gone out across all the earth; and their words to all nations (1 Corinthians 15:52).
So what does tomorrow hold? How can we know for sure? And how do we respond today in light of those truths? Pastor Jeremiah’s book offers compelling answers to these questions—and more—providing a roadmap for you as you seek to navigate life and history’s troubled waters. Read More
3. The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology
By Jurgen Moltmann
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The Coming of God: Christian Eschatology by Jurgen Moltmann – If you’re looking for a comprehensive resource on eschatology, The Coming of God is your best bet. Moltmann was deeply influenced by Karl Barth, but he isn’t afraid to break from Barth when he believes it necessary. Because of his rigorous theological training, Moltmann digs deep into classic texts (namely Paul’s Letter to Rome), but also looks at modern-day events and how they relate to Scripture.
It can be a bit intimidating because of its depth, but that’s why it’s so great—if you really want to get a handle on what Christian eschatology says about God’s final coming and plan for mankind, you can’t go wrong with The Coming of God. Read More
4. Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life
By Joseph Ratzinger
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Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life by Joseph Ratzinger — The belief that everything happens for a reason and that all things have their place in a divine plan is prevalent in many cultures throughout history. One of these religious beliefs is eschatology, which deals with last things and how everything will end. Christianity has its own take on eschatology, called Christian eschatology, an offshoot of what many call theology.
In his book Eschatology: Death and Eternal Life, Joseph Ratzinger explores some of Christianity’s most important concepts and practices, including death and heaven. This book provides Christians with invaluable insights about life after death through Ratzinger’s spiritual eyes, as well as his past work as a pope or theologian for other popes. Read More
5. Christian Eschatology Study of the End Times
By Prayer M. Madueke
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Christian Eschatology Study of the End Times by Prayer M. Madueke — Since the scriptures tell us that it is not for us to know when these events will happen, how can one prepare for them? This book takes a deeper look at scripture and its meanings in order to better help you prepare for what lies ahead.
It covers subjects such as: The Tribulation, Resurrection, Rapture, Second Coming of Christ and more. Each chapter will also provide you with special prayers to give you added guidance in your life, with practical steps to take during each event that is discussed within its pages. So if you want a more complete understanding of these fascinating End Times Events and how they affect our daily lives, then make sure you get your copy today! Read More
6. Basic Guide to Eschatology
By Millard J Erickson
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Basic Guide to Eschatology by Millard J Erickson — A thorough and to-the-point discussion of eschatological beliefs in layman’s terms, Basic Guide to Eschatology is an excellent introduction to a complex but important subject. Erickson breaks down all of Christianity’s various eschatological positions into concise, clear definitions and uses simple language, so even first-time readers can easily understand.
It won’t go into every specific detail, but it will give you a solid foundation in which you can build upon later. If you want your feet wet before diving into a more advanced book (or books), grab a copy of Basic Guide to Eschatology—it’ll be well worth your time. Read More
7. History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology
By N. T. Wright
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History and Eschatology: Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology by N. T. Wright —History and Eschatology starts with a fascinating history of how Christians have wrestled with questions about their own eschatological hope. The great theologians are all here, and presented in a way that makes them clear to us today.
This book has already become a classic in its field, though it is truly aimed at both scholars and lay readers; Wright writes for everyone. These two books by N. T. Wright together comprise what may be his most important work since Simply Christian – and are critically important reading for anyone who wants to understand not only New Testament eschatology, but also how we understand it today. Read More
8. The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse
By Dr. David Jeremiah
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The Book of Signs: 31 Undeniable Prophecies of the Apocalypse by Dr. David Jeremiah — The Book of Signs is an informative, up-to-date look at biblical prophecy. Dr. Jeremiah provides a guide to understanding signs, symbols and other precursors that can help believers understand current events in light of prophesied future events.
Includes an introduction by Max Lucado and a study guide for small groups or individual study. The book also includes a section by noted theologian Ravi Zacharias, who explains how Christians should respond to prophecies of judgment and calamity—and how they can find hope amidst predictions of tragedy and despair. Read More
9. Revealing Revelation: How God’s Plans for the Future Can Change Your Life Now
By Amir Tsarfati
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Revealing Revelation: How God’s Plans for the Future Can Change Your Life Now by Amir Tsarfati — This book is an excellent resource for those who are interested in learning more about Bible prophecy and how to use it to understand God’s plans for your life. It can be read by Christians of all denominations, but it is specifically written for evangelicals, as well as Messianic Jews and believers in Jesus who come from Jewish backgrounds.
This makes Revealing Revelation a valuable tool for Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists and others who want to learn about eschatology in a way that fits with their faith and cultural heritage. And that’s important because many people become frustrated with eschatological teachings simply because they don’t fit into traditional Judeo-Christian thought. Read More
10. The End of the Age: The Countdown Has Begun
By John Hagee
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The End of the Age: The Countdown Has Begun by John Hagee – For Christians, what is to come at the end of days is one of life’s biggest questions. But John Hagee says that most people—even in his own congregation—don’t understand Bible prophecy and don’t know what to expect. In The End of Days: The Countdown Has Begun, Hagee writes about prophetic events that have already taken place and explains why they are significant.
He focuses much of his attention on Israel, discussing how it will play a major role in these upcoming events. Hagee also discusses belief systems and how religions such as Islam may affect what happens next. Readers learn about prophetic passages that could soon come true and how those events will impact their daily lives and future generations to come. Read More
11. Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife
By Eben Alexander
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Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander — In Proof of Heaven, Dr. Alexander recounts his extraordinary near-death experience and provides readers with insights into what it is like to be dead. He vividly describes the tunnel, the blue light, and the love. In his discussion of life after death, he explains how our experiences in heaven are fully compatible with scientific research findings about how our brains function during an experience that mimics death, how we store memories, and more.
Here’s more about Proof of Heaven. The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel: The Case for Christ tells a captivating story of one man’s search for truth and an investigation into whether Jesus was who he claimed to be—the Son of God.
Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel looks at all the important evidence surrounding some of today’s most provocative questions about Jesus, including: How reliable is eyewitness testimony? What does psychology tell us about eyewitness accuracy? Is there any corroborating evidence for Jesus’ miracles? Does archaeology confirm or refute Christianity? How reliable is biblical archaeology? Is there any reason to believe that portions of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John might have been written by eyewitnesses rather than anonymous authors many years later? Read More
12. Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You
By John Burke
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Imagine Heaven: Near-Death Experiences, God’s Promises, and the Exhilarating Future That Awaits You by John Burke — The author takes an in-depth look at what people who have had near-death experiences say they’ve seen in their afterlife and shows how they coincide with what we already know about heaven from Scripture. If you’re looking for a book that paints a realistic but thoroughly uplifting picture of what heaven will be like, then check out Imagine Heaven.
It’s a fairly long read, but its message is definitely worth your time. For example, there are things that will never change in heaven—things like love and joy—but there are also things that will change dramatically—like pain and sorrow. What will you do in heaven? Read More
13. Dictionary of Christian Spirituality
By Zondervan

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Dictionary of Christian Spirituality by Zondervan — This comprehensive resource is an unparalleled source of theological and practical definitions, explanations, and historical perspectives on religious terms. Featuring over 1,500 entries covering various religions (including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism), worldviews (including scientific and existential), church history, literature and film studies terms. Each entry includes a bibliography listing related resources for further reading.
A must-have book for anyone with a desire to study or understand faith. While not explicitly focused on eschatology books, it covers many of them in depth that can be very helpful in learning about them. With a great indexing system, it is easy to find what you want when looking for specific details about a term or even authors that are covered in their extensive bibliography of suggested titles to read from each entry discussed. Read More
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14. That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation
By David Bentley Hart
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That All Shall Be Saved: Heaven, Hell, and Universal Salvation by David Bentley Hart — In his book, Hart argues that Christians shouldn’t believe in eternal damnation because it runs counter to God’s love and goodness. In fact, Hart says that those who don’t believe in universal salvation have nothing left to say about God or human destiny but despair. Ultimately, he says that hell is a useless concept and nothing more than a metaphysical ghost story. Hell is not necessary for divine justice and sin demands no such thing. Read More
15. From Age to Age: The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology
By Keith A. Mathison
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From Age to Age: The Unfolding of Biblical Eschatology by Keith A. Mathison — This book by Mathison approaches eschatology as a study of how Scripture views history. Mathison explores how history has unfolded in God’s plan for humanity, and suggests ways to understand when and how future events will unfold. He focuses mainly on typologies of Old Testament eschatological books, and concludes with ways Christians should think about these passages today. Read More
16. Eschatology: Biblical, Historical, and Practical Approaches
By D. Jeffrey Bingham and Glenn R. Kreider

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Eschatology: Biblical, Historical, and Practical Approaches by D. Jeffrey Bingham and Glenn R. Kreider — This book was written by two respected eschatologists and details both Biblical and historical aspects of Christ’s Second Coming. It touches on multiple different methods for approaching eschatological scripture and even mentions Biblical eschatology books worth reading. In addition, it discusses practical approaches for living your life day-to-day based on Biblical eschatological theories.
The book is perfect for beginners in Christian eschatology, as well as seasoned researchers who are looking to brush up on a few things or fill in some gaps. With an easy readability and enough detail to satisfy any reader, it’s definitely one of our top recommendations when considering Christian eschatology books. Read More
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What is eschatology?
Eschatology is a very broad term that covers many different things, but in layman’s terms it deals with beliefs about what happens after death. In Christianity, we believe Jesus died and came back to life and Christians are blessed for their faith in Jesus Christ.
What is Christian Eschatology?
In short, eschatology refers to what happens after death. However, it also deals with other events that occur before and during Christ’s second coming to Earth. The word eschatology comes from two Greek words, eschaton which means end and logos which means word or speech. This implies that eschatology has something to do with talking about what will happen at a certain time in history.
What Is The Rapture?
The rapture is one of many events that will occur before Christ’s second coming. In short, it is a time when those who are saved will be taken up to heaven to await Christ’s return. The word rapture comes from Latin and means caught up. This implies that Christians will be literally caught up into heaven at some point in history. There are several different views about when exactly Christians will be raptured, but most agree that it will happen before Jesus returns to Earth.
What Is Armageddon?
The word Armageddon comes from Hebrew and means mount of Megiddo. It is a place in Israel where many believe that Christ will return to Earth for his second coming. This event will be preceded by a seven-year period known as tribulation, during which God’s wrath will be poured out upon those who have not accepted Christ as their savior. At some point during these seven years, Jesus will come back to Earth and defeat Satan and all of his followers.
Why Should I Care About The End Times?
This is a very good question. Many people are not interested in what happens after death because they are more concerned with living their lives to the fullest right now. However, eschatology has a lot to say about how we should live our lives today. For example, if you believe that Christ will return at some point in history then you should live your life as though it could happen at any moment.
Who Are The Antichrist And False Prophet?
These are two people who will appear during tribulation. They will deceive many Christians into following them and worshipping Satan instead of God. Many believe that these two figures are already here and have been influencing world events for centuries. However, most agree that they will be revealed before Christ’s second coming occurs.
Who are some other major players in eschatology that we should know about?
There are many people who have contributed to what we know about eschatology. However, here is a list of some of those who have had a large impact on our current understanding of what will happen at Christ’s second coming.
John Nelson Darby – This man was an Irish preacher and theologian who is known for popularizing dispensationalism, which is one of several views about how Christians will be raptured. He was also influential in reviving apocalyptic interest among Christians during his time.
What happens to those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ during The Tribulation?
This is a very important question. Those who do not accept Christ as their savior will be thrown into hell, where they will be tormented for eternity. However, it is important to note that God loves everyone and does not want anyone to go to hell. He sent his son, Jesus, so that we could have eternal life if we choose to accept him as our savior.
What are some of the major differences between pre-tribulationism and post-tribulationism?
There are several views about how Christians will be raptured. The two most popular views today are pre-tribulationism and post-tribulationism. In short, pre-tribulationists believe that Christians will be raptured before tribulation begins while post-tribulationists believe that Christians will be raptured after tribulation has begun.
Do all Christians believe in The Rapture?
No, not all Christians believe that there will be a rapture. However, most do agree that there will be a time when Christ returns to Earth for his second coming.
What is one reason why some people don’t believe in The Rapture?
Some people don’t believe that there will be a rapture because they don’t think it’s possible for God to take human beings up into heaven without them being physically dead first.
What do Christians who do not believe in Rapture believe in?
Most Christians who don’t believe in The Rapture believe that Christ will return to Earth at some point and defeat Satan and his followers. They also generally agree that there will be a period of tribulation before Christ returns.
How does one become a Christian?
Becoming a Christian is very easy. All you have to do is admit that you are a sinner and ask Jesus Christ to forgive your sins. Then ask him to come into your heart and make you his follower.
Does everyone go to heaven when they die?
No, not everyone goes to heaven. When you die, your soul will be separated from your body and you will spend time in either Heaven or Hell depending on how you lived your life.
What is hell like?
Hell is a terrible place where sinners are tormented for eternity. It is much worse than anything we can imagine here on Earth. However, Jesus Christ has conquered death and hell so that those who accept him as their savior do not have to spend eternity there.
What is heaven like?
Heaven is a wonderful place where Christians will live with God forever.
Is it possible to go to heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as your savior?
No, it’s impossible to go to heaven without accepting Jesus Christ as your savior because no one else has ever been able to remove our sins from us except for him.
How long will people be in hell before they die?
People will spend an eternity in hell after they die. However, Jesus Christ has conquered death and hell so that those who accept him as their savior do not have to spend eternity there.
What is a soul like?
A soul is a non-physical entity that makes us who we are. It’s what allows us to think, feel, and experience emotions. It exists even when our bodies are dead because it cannot be destroyed.
Is there any hope for those who don’t believe in Jesus Christ?
There is hope for everyone. God loves us so much that he sent his son, Jesus, to die on a cross so that we could have eternal life if we accept him as our savior.
How do you get saved in Christianity?
The best way to get saved is to ask Jesus Christ into your heart and make him your savior. You can pray something like Jesus, I know I’m a sinner and that I cannot save myself. Please forgive me of my sins and come into my heart.
When will Jesus return for His church and how will it happen?
Jesus Christ will return to Earth at some point in our future. He’ll defeat Satan and his followers, then he’ll judge everyone who has ever lived based on their actions while they were alive. Those who accept him as their savior will be allowed to live with him in heaven forever.
It is hard to overstate how important it is to have good books on eschatology. In a day when people can read whatever they want online and just write off anything they don’t like as being from unsaved heretics, books are more important than ever.
We live in a time when it isn’t easy to know what is right and wrong, let alone good or bad theology. This list represents a broad range of perspectives and—with any luck—you will find some that fit your particular point of view, be it amillennialism or premillennialism, cessationism or non-cessationism, Calvinism or Arminianism.
You can visit BBC’s website to learn more on the topic.
Happy Reading!!
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