One has many reasons to invest their money.
First, it is a great way to make your money grow, as generally there are higher returns guaranteed with it.
Second, the money invested can be used in the later phases of your life, for example after your retirement.
Also, those who desire to increase their financial sources to meet their own demands are always on the lookout for different ways to invest their money.
There are various types of investments in which you could invest, like the Stock markets, Mutual funds, Investment bonds, Savings accounts or even physical commodities such as lands or precious metals like silver, gold that are used to make jewelry.
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 7 books on investing and making money](
To the beginners who are new in the field of investment and those too who are quite experienced in it can check out the books we have listed below. These suggestions are based on our experience and understanding.
All these books are about investing and making money. Numerous writers have done their research about the investment market and given some tips and advice on how and where one should invest.
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1. Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns
– by John C.Bogle
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Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns by John C. Bogle — The title of the book says it all, one needs to use his common sense or become smart enough to know everything about the Investment market. John C. Bogle here reveals a way through which one can get more from investing that is buying a mutual fund that has a broad stock market index. In his book, he urges investors to invest in low-cost index funds because according to him they guarantee a fair share of stock market returns. He also makes his readers understand that the stock returns are generated mainly by three sources, which are earnings growth, dividend yield, and changes in market valuation.
2. How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good times or Bad
– by William O’Neil
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 10 51XyOYQKfaL. SX331 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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How to Make Money in Stocks: A Winning System in Good times or Bad by William O’Neil — After major studies of market winners from various years, William O’Neil has written down techniques and tips on how one can build his or her wealth by selecting the best stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. He has created an investment strategy called the “CAN SLIM”. It is a strategy that is useful for investors who cannot hold their stocks for longer periods, it helps them to pick quality stocks that promise better returns.
3. You Can Be a Stock Market Genius: Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits
– by Joel Greenblatt
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 11 51HFdTXMeRL. SX331 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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You Can Be a Stock Market Genius: Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits by Joel Greenblatt — The writer being a fund manager, writes this book to be used as an investment reference. It contains important background information about the stock market, has case studies and techniques that will be useful. Joel Greenblatt helps us discover Investment opportunities through which big profits are possible, which are Rights offerings, Merger securities, Spin-offs, Restructuring, Recapitalisation, Risk arbitrage, and Bankruptcy.
4. The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor
– by Howard S. Marks
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 12 516Y0eC5+cL. SX331 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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The Most Important Thing: Uncommon Sense for the Thoughtful Investor by Howard S. Marks — This book explains the keys to successful investments for every amateur and experienced investor. Howard S. Marks also shares the possible pitfalls that can ruin one’s capital. He put forth concepts such as price/value relationship, patient opportunism, defensive investing, and second-level thinking. According to him, successful investment requires critical thinking, risk assessment, and a good investment strategy. He explains everything to the readers by using various case studies and examples.
5. The Little Book That Still Beats the Market
– by Joel Greenblatt
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 13 41 fhuwBSmL. SX363 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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The Little Book That Still Beats the Market by Joel Greenblatt — Another book by Joel Greenblatt makes it to the list and is considered a classic in finance literature. He explores that the primary or the chief way to successful stock market investment is to buy above-average companies, but at below-average prices. The book clearly explains in steps the principles of value investing. Thus, as the name of the book suggests, it makes its readers be smart in every decision they make in their investments.
6. The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio
-by William J. Bernstein
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 14](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio by William J. Bernstein — The writer is a financial theorist who mainly writes and publishes books for individual investors. The four pillars of investing that William talks about are theory, history, psychology, and business. Through this, he wants everyone to observe what really happens in the financial industry. Apart from this theory, he also mentions the major pitfalls one should avoid while dealing with the investment market players.
7. A Random Walk Down Wall Street: Including a Life-Cycle Guide to Personal Investing
– by Burton Malkiel
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 15 51PZeEm85 L. SX320 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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A Random Walk Down Wall Street: Including a Life-Cycle Guide to Personal Investing by Burton Malkiel — Burton Malkiel is famously known for writing this classic finance book. He believes that the stock market can be irrational sometimes, as stocks that are way overvalued by the market are still purchased by investors in the hope of high returns in the future. He shares a range of investment opportunities like bitcoin and tax-loss harvesting with his readers.
8. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits
– by Philip A. Fisher
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 16 413cz+GbEdL. SX312 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip A. Fisher — This particular book allows the investors to understand the kind, and quality of business they have ventured into or are venturing into, and realize its ability to produce profits for them. Philip’s investment philosophy was simple, he recommended investors to target businesses that offered a high return on capital, high-profit margins, and had future growth orientation. He was known for doing in-depth research about companies he would invest in and therefore advises everyone to check about businesses before buying stocks.
9. Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders
– by Jack D. Schwager
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 17 41418vHVGrL. SX342 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders by Jack D. Schwager — It is believed that one can learn from their own experience, but it is also possible to learn something useful from other people’s experiences. This book is written in an interview format, the writer, Jack D. Schwager interviewed traders from financial markets. Some of the super successful traders included Tom Baldwin, Bruce Kovner, Richard Dennis, Ed Seykota, and many more. Each of them had their own journey and thoughts to express, but one thing that readers are sure to grasp is that investors would need a solid method and a good mental attitude to succeed.
10. Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor
– by John C. Bogle
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 18 51mYpTrzvpL. SX335 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor by John C. Bogle — The book critically observes the mutual fund industries and helps investors to select the best investment out of all. It studies the fundamentals of mutual funds and along the way offers advice on how to build an investment portfolio.
11. The Intelligent Investor
– by Benjamin Graham
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 19 51fESaIGgVL. SX323 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham — A widely appreciated book that teaches strategies to use value investing in the stock market effectively. He pointed out the irrationality of the stock market and focused on gaining profits from the stock market’s whim. He always speaks about investing safely and successfully. Not only that, but he also urges investors to focus more on the performance of their company and the dividend they are receiving instead of following the changing rules of the market.
12. Stocks For The Long Run
– by Jeremy J. Siegel
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 20 51 CQaYHSiL. SX398 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Stocks For The Long Run by Jeremy J. Siegel — A helpful guide about long-term investment strategies and financial market return. This book by Jeremy J. Siegel tells his readers about the forces that keep the stock market moving. It includes all the past historical trends which will further help in a deeper understanding of the market. There are various topics he touches upon, as the scope of the global market and the viability of value investing.
13. Irrational Exuberance
– by Robert J. Shiller
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 21 41Yz2Nw0aZL. SX329 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Irrational Exuberance by Robert J. Shiller — “Irrational Exuberance” was a phrase used by Alan Greenspan, former Federal Reserve Chairman, hinting that the stock market may be overvalued. Investors become blind for earning more profits, that they end up ignoring the real value, and keep bidding until the price goes higher. In this book, Robert J. Shiller talks about the 2000 stock market bubble. He also spills the truth that the market does not always act rational, instead, it is influenced by herd behavior, speculation, and emotions of people.
14. Rich Dad Poor Dad
– by Robert T. Kiyosaki
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Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki — Do not go by the name of this book, the name is unique and so is its content that it became the bestseller in the section of personal finance book. Robert T. Kiyosaki preaches that everyone should use their money to develop their wealth further and start investing sooner if possible. Here, he shows how rich, and poor people function with their money. Throughout his book, he claims that one should use his intelligence and spend more money on assets than liabilities, as the former will benefit you in the longer term. Overall, it is a simple book that makes readers aware of the importance of money and investing together as a link.
15. One Up On Wall Street
– by Peter Lynch
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 23 51RCSkqt7PL](
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One Up On Wall Street by Peter Lynch — The author, himself was one of the most successful fund managers, so a book written by him could be quite useful. The book begins with the basics of Investment, explains the different types of stocks and how one can purchase them. Therefore, it becomes a good source of information for those beginners planning to start investment journeys.
16. The Warren Buffett Way
– by Robert G. Hagstrom
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The Warren Buffett Way by Robert G. Hagstrom — A book that tells readers in detail about how Warren Buffett invests. To be more specific, it outlines the business and investment principles followed by Warren Buffett, an American businessman and investor. It tells about his every decision, strategies and methods related to investment that led to his good performance and success. Thus, one could simply follow in his steps to avoid any unsure decision or mistake.
17. Stocks to Riches
– by Parag Parikh
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 25 51wezK9FfuL. SX333 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Stocks to Riches by Parag Parikh — A book that tells everything about the stock market in India and how they function. Parag Parikh pinpoints certain mistakes that amateur investors are most likely to make. He simplifies the process of investing in stocks and claims that the market is a dynamic framework where everyone needs to be careful and sure about what they are doing with their money.
18. Investing in India
– by Rahul Sarogi
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Investing in India by Rahul Sarogi — The purpose of this book is to highlight the value investment opportunities that are available in India. The writer being a value investor himself believes there is a lot of potential in this sector. He explains some criteria through which one can value stocks, these are — relative opportunity, financial strength, business fundamentals and capital allocation. The book also discusses the role of government, politics or other influences that might be on the stock market.
19. Beating the Street
– by Peter Lynch
![Best Books on Investing and Making Money [2022] 27 51m1XvlNB8L. SX322 BO1,204,203,200](,204,203,200_.jpg)
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Beating the Street by Peter Lynch — Through this book, the author reveals how he does his research about various industries, mutual funds and possible situations that may arise. He discusses everything with his readers, from the best decisions he took to the wrong ones and how it affected him and his money invested. Peter Lynch goes on to explain his ways and strategies on investing and offers advice on how to choose stocks and mutual funds to have a successful portfolio.
20. The Boglehead’s Guide to Investing
– by Mel Lindauer, Michael LeBoeuf, and Taylor Larimore
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The Boglehead’s Guide to Investing by Mel Lindauer, Michael LeBoeuf, and Taylor Larimore — This book is a simple and straightforward guide for everyone, even for newbies to learn more about investing. The book is filled with sound and practical advice that can be put to use. It uses the term passive investing and gives its readers hope that they can learn everything after putting in a bit of effort. The book covers a wide range of topics that will be useful to all novices. The topics include behavioral economics, insurance, modern portfolio theory, and tips on saving money to its readers.
Those who want to supplement their income can try their hands at investing, but it is advisable if they first gather all the necessary information and knowledge related to it.
In today’s time, some people have made investing their profession.
They devote all their time to it, one needs a strong force of ambition and patience to continue to move ahead. And, the most driving force that attracts every single person towards investment is the possibility of making your money grow and adding more to your wealth.
You can pick a book from this favorite list of mine.
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