Best Books on OCD to Help You Overcome Your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
In this article, we are going to cover some of the best books you can study to deal with OCD. These books are my favorite when it comes to learning about OCD.
Earlier, people and society did not openly talk about the mental health of a person. But, that is not the case now. Now more and more people are being courageous enough to share their mental health condition with others.
One such condition, that affects nearly 2.2 million adults in the US and 1 million people in India per year, is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, more commonly known as OCD.
Quickly Check These Amazing Books on OCD:
If you want to know more about OCD and how it is caused, then stay put, we have put a list of books that have helped one of my relatives deal with OCD. Though we know that OCD cannot be cured completely, it can still be kept under control.
So, first, let us move on to what is OCD and how is it caused?
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be defined as a mental illness that causes a person to have frequent unwanted thoughts or sensations (referred to as a kind of an obsession) or creates an urge in them to do something over and over again (referred to as a compulsion).
Some people might show an obsession disorder or a compulsion disorder, or some might have both.
Those who have OCD have thoughts and actions that are beyond their control and this, in turn, affects their social and personal life.

Some simple examples could be how some people have an obsessive thought that a certain number of colors is so-called good or bad for them. Whereas, an example of compulsion could be how a person washes his hands several times within a few hours.
As already said there is no cure for OCD, but there are some measures to help manage them. These include receiving psychotherapy, taking medications, and proper relaxation if OCD goes extreme.
However, apart from these, one could seek help from their family, friends, and loved ones around them to help them cope with it. Also, do you know that there are various books written on the same topic, that is OCD? They do their work of helping to overcome OCD as has one of my relatives.
We have brought up a list of the 14 Best Books on OCD that he found helpful in dealing with his OCD. These books are what you can call self-help books on OCD.
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List of 14 Best Books on OCD
1. Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
– by Tamar E. Chansky

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Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Tamar E. Chansky — This book is meant for all the parents whose children are suffering from OCD. This book has step-by-step guidelines for parents to understand their children’s state and be prepared to help them cope with it.
The author, Dr. Tamar E. Chansky has treated many children with OCD, and he uses this experience to carve a road map to understanding and overcoming this disorder. She explains to her readers how OCD is diagnosed, the importance of finding the right therapist partners, and the need to adapt treatment according to their child’s needs.
This book will help you to create an effective OCD plan so that your child can effectively fight against it. Battling OCD is tough, but Dr. Chansky’s proven guidance, advice, and inspiring words can help your child to be free from OCD. Read More
2. Talking Back to OCD: The Program That Helps Kids and Teens Say “No Way” – and Parents Say “Way to Go”
– by John S. March with Christine M. Benton
“Gives the best hands-on advice I know on how to help your child conquer this illness.”

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Talking Back to OCD: The Program That Helps Kids and Teens Say “No Way” – and Parents Say “Way to Go” by John S. March with Christine M. Benton — Those battling with Obsessive-compulsive disorder know the real pain and difficulty of having it. They wish to get rid of it sooner than possible. Dr. John March, the author of this book, has helped thousands of OCD patients with his eight-step program.
He begins each chapter with ways that help a child and teens to develop skills that will be used to tune out obsessions and resist compulsions too. Through his book, John March also shows how parents can be supportive of their child suffering from OCD. Read More
3. Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior
– by Jeffrey M. Schwartz with Beverly Beyette

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Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior by Jeffrey M. Schwartz with Beverly Beyette — People going through OCD become compelled to obsess about something, or they repeat the same task over and over again.
Sometimes, the medication does not show the expected results. But, Jeffrey Schwartz has come up with a simple four-step method, that is effective for overcoming OCD.
This method involves using cognitive self-therapy to fix the brain of patients. This book delves into further explanation of this method and inspires readers to free themselves from this disorder. Read More
4. What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming OCD
– by Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews

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What to Do When Your Brain Gets Stuck: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming OCD by Dawn Huebner and Bonnie Matthews — This book will guide children and their parents on how to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder. It shows how using cognitive behavioral techniques can be adapted to deal with OCD.
After reading this book, children can more easily recognize and respond appropriately to OCD’s tricks. The book helps them to develop skills to break free from the grip of OCD. To sum it up all, this self-help book is a great source for educating, empowering, and motivating children to work toward their difficulties. Read More
5. Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty (Updated Edition)
– by Jonathan Grayson

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Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty (Updated Edition) by Jonathan Grayson — Obsessive-compulsive disorders can show various symptoms like an excessive concern with order or size, frequent checking rituals, or even fear of contamination. To deal with and overcome these undesirable actions, Dr. Jonathan Grayson has provided a program to break free from this cycle of obsessions and compulsions.
His program includes: self-assessing one’s type of OCD and then following the most suitable treatment. The book motivates OCD sufferers to plan against their obstacles and compulsions, to get rid of them. Thus, this book not only imparts knowledge about OCD but also gives the courage to fight against it. Read More
6. When a Family Member Has OCD: Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Skills to Help Families Affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
– by Jon Hershfield

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When a Family Member Has OCD: Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Skills to Help Families Affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jon Hershfield — The title of this book is clear enough to show what the book talks about. This book can be anyone’s guide to help themselves or people who have obsessive-compulsive disorder. The author talks in detail about compulsive behaviors, obsessions, and the constant need for reassurance that people with OCD tend to do.
Through his book, he tries to show ways to facilitate a better understanding and communication between a person suffering from OCD and their family. To conclude, this book will be helpful for family members, it makes them aware of mindfulness techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that can be utilized to deal with a person with OCD. Read More
7. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Complete Guide to Getting Well and Staying Well
– by Fred Penzel

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders: A Complete Guide to Getting Well and Staying Well by Fred Penzel — Sometimes people who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) may not even know that they have this disorder. They tend to isolate themselves and do not know how to seek help.
So, this book will be a rescue, to be aware of OCD fully.
Fred Penzel talks about the various effective behavioral therapies that one could follow, offers a discussion on how to choose the best medicine and avoid relapse. At the end of the book, he also offers to advise families and loved ones on how to deal with a patient with OCD. Read More
8. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder For Dummies
– by Charles H. Elliott, Laura L. Smith

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Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder For Dummies by Charles H. Elliott, Laura L.Smith — For those who do not know about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, then this book is a must-read to get familiarized with it.
This book offers an empathic understanding of this mental disorder. It contains comprehensive information explaining all the causes and symptoms of OCD. Read More
9. Helping your Child with OCD: A Workbook for Parents of Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
– by Lee Fitzgibbons

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Helping your Child with OCD: A Workbook for Parents of Children with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Lee Fitzgibbons — One could say that OCD has become a common mental health condition, as 1 million people per year are said to be suffering from it. Many pieces of research show that half of the OCD cases can begin from childhood. Children with obsessive-compulsive disorder often show ritualistic behaviors like counting, scratching, and checking themselves or the things around them.
If left untreated, the children can fall prone to stress and anxiety and may have a hard time dealing with their normal day-to-day life. Thus, this book in right will act as a personalized guide to parents. It will help them to know everything about OCD, from its causes to its symptoms.
The book also introduces various treatments which can be opted to treat their children, so that they can choose a technique that will help them in reducing their children’s symptoms. This book is full of assessments and progress charts to help a parent to get involved and record their child’s improvement in the process of getting rid of OCD. Read More
10. Overcoming Harm OCD: Mindfulness and CBT tools for coping with unwanted violent thoughts
– by Jon Hershfield, Jonathan Grayson

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Overcoming Harm OCD: Mindfulness and CBT Tools for Coping with Unwanted Violent Thoughts by Jon Hershfield, Jonathan Grayson — The writer of this book and a psychotherapist as well, Jon Hershfield that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and mindfulness tools can be powerful in dealing with and breaking away from the grip of OCD. You do not need to be too harsh on yourself if you are diagnosed with OCD, because doing that will definitely put in a lot more stress and emotional pain.
If you are frequently having unwanted violent thoughts about yourself or people around you, then seek help, that will for sure help you in recovering. For instance, this book is a good read to know all about harm OCD. It gives a comprehensive explanation about it and also discusses how one can manage it.
After reading it, you will realize how beneficial cognitive behavioral and mindfulness-based treatment can be in your life of dealing with OCD. This book offers solutions to deal with OCD, offering scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health issues. And yes, this book has been bestowed with the honor of being an outstanding self-help book. Read More
11. OCD: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed
– by Michael Tompkins

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OCD: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed by Michael Tompkins — This book is aimed at those who have been newly diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. This mental illness can cause a lot of difficulties, people with OCD often embarrassed by their behavior, actions, and thoughts.
It may not be always true that people with OCD show the same symptoms. Some could have fear of contamination, while others could have the habit of repeating a certain behavior or are engaged in obsessive cleaning. So, this book titled OCD: A guide for the newly diagnosed’ is all about understanding OCD and develop good strategies to deal with its symptoms.
It talks about the stigma that is often attached to OCD, but it shows how after being diagnosed, one should try not to be embarrassed about it. They should focus more on how to manage their symptoms more effectively and lead an undisturbed life. This book can be viewed as a friendly guide that provides newly diagnosed OCD people with answers to all the common questions they might be having. Read More
12. Getting Control: Overcoming your Obsessions and Compulsions
– by Lee Baer

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Getting Control: Overcoming your Obsessions and Compulsions by Lee Baer — People battling with OCD often fear embarrassing themselves, which in turn affects their normal daily lives. Therefore, this book is written to master the fears associated with OCD and live a good life afterward.
In this comprehensive guide, Dr Lee Baer shows how obsessive-compulsive disorder can be treated by following behavioral therapy techniques. This book is perfect for everyone, be it an OCD sufferer or a family member of theirs. After a careful reading of it, they can assess symptoms and create therapeutic exercises to manage this disorder efficiently.
Thoroughly revised and updated—the go-to book for OCD sufferers who want to master their fears and take charge of their lives. Read More
13. The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD: A Guide to Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions Using Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
– by Jon Hershfield and Tom Corboy

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The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD: A Guide to Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions Using Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy by Jon Hershfield and Tom Corboy — People having obsessive-compulsive disorder show this irrational fear of contamination or have an obsessive habit of double-checking things. It might be hard on some people to seek help, but doing so can help you to overcome it slowly.
This book focuses on combining cognitive behavioral therapy with mindfulness practices as a great tool for managing undesirable thoughts and compulsive urges.
This workbook helps people with OCD to come to terms with their difficulties and learn to positively deal with their distorted thoughts and feelings. It also includes information on mental and emotional contamination, existential obsessions, and offers new meditations and much more. Read More
14. OCD and Me: My Unconventional Journey Through Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
– by Bless Cunningham

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OCD and Me: My Unconventional Journey Through Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Bless Cunningham — This book is more of an autobiography than a self-help book. But people with OCD can relate to the author’s stories and experiences. Hess Cunningham had severe OCD from childhood, she also had anxiety and depression.
The book tells us how Bess in strong desperation to achieve relief spent ten years of her life on research and experimenting with OCD, thus giving her readers a comprehensive assessment of the OCD world. One can gain information by reading her personal struggles and triumphs. This book is more like an eye-opener, how people suffering from OCD can manage and improve their everyday life by following some coping mechanisms.
The author’s story is truly inspirational, she courageously opens about her disorder just so that it could somewhat help people like her. Bess Cunningham not only speaks about her OCD but also highlights the importance of having hope and resilience, needed to overcome her mental condition and move on to a more joyful life. We would definitely recommend this book to sufferers of OCD to always stay positive and motivated. Read More
We believe that all of the above-mentioned books in some way or another will help sufferers of OCD. The only thing you need to do is have some hope and try to always manage and cope with your difficult situations.
The more positive approach you will have, the lesser the burden you will feel about it.
Learn more about OCD on Wikipedia.
This is our list of 14 Best Books on OCD based on recommendations of one of my relatives who found them useful in dealing with his OCD. He found these as the best self-help books on OCD.
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