We all wish to excel at our work or be called the smart one in our field of job. But, it isn’t as easy as saying it, one needs to put tons of effort to reach such a level of satisfaction or recognition.
You and we all need to accept the fact that we must not give up learning as it is the only way through which one can create an improvised version of ourselves.
Today, we are here to provide a little help to teachers all around the world. Some of you might be wondering why and for what teachers need some help as it is always the other way round, they are the ones who help.
We agree that is the case most of the time but they too need some guidance and aid when they are going through some difficulties in their jobs. And, the solutions to their problems are given in none other than the books that we will list today.

Books are the most accessible resource that pulls you out from lots of your problems. Plus, one thing we all love about books is that they are not that heavy on our pockets. So, now let’s get this started.
All the books that we will talk about today are mainly aimed at classroom management, effective teaching methods, improving literacy, using newer technologies as tools to educate, and much more.
So, let us begin our list of the 15 best professional development books for teachers.
We will talk about each and every book in detail with you and what each book has to offer to you. The books mentioned below will for sure give you tons of explanations and solutions from people like you. You will also learn about some of their experiences too!
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List of 15 Best Professional Development Books For Teachers (2021)
1. Teaching with Intention: Defining Beliefs, Aligning Practice, Taking Action, K-5
by Debbie Miller

Teaching with Intention: Defining Beliefs, Aligning Practice, Taking Action, K-5 by Debbie Miller — The author believes that it is very important for teachers to have a set intention as only that will help them in giving out effective instructions in the classroom. She talks about everything from setting up a classroom environment to the use of language and from giving comprehensive instructions to designing each lesson. She strongly encourages teachers to develop their own belief statements regarding learning and teaching.
This is the one book for you if you are looking for suggestions and examples of authentic learning experiences, improvement, and growth.
“It acquaints us with the details of teaching life and shows the thinking behind its teaching and the results of its actions.”
“This book is a great reminder of what great learning sounds like. It contains insightful information and offers a lot more help than you might expect.” Read More
2. Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers
by Tom Romano

Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers by Tom Romano — This book is ideal for teachers who work on essays or research papers. The author, Tom Romano has divided the process of writing such a paper into simple steps with all the instructions and examples. This book is great for teachers who desire to help out their students to write. There are various lessons on genres, subgenres, writing strategies, and stylistic maneuvers. All in all this book is an invaluable reference for English language arts teachers.
“A great introduction to multi-genre projects, research papers and writing analysis.”
“The book offers an inspiring and interesting approach to teaching using multi-style works.” Read More
3. Teaching When the World is on Fire
by Lisa Delpit

Teaching When the World is on Fire by Lisa Delpit — The world is going through a lot, talk about racial discrimination, inequality, violence, and much more. How as a teacher will you discuss such sensitive topics in your class? This book by Lisa Delpit will help you in how to tackle these difficult topics. She shows ways how you can address these topics in a constructive way in your classrooms. The book has also noted down the words of some experts too on the same issues. As the author himself asserts, this book provides encouragement, motivation, and inspiration at times of growing hate, division and incivility, for transforming children’s lives.
“It contains sensible and consistent snapshots of different rich class experiences to challenge teachers, leadership teams and students alike.”
“The book is an excellent read for teachers who are socially conscious.” Read More
4. The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity
by George Couros

The Innovator’s Mindset: Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity by George Couros — The author stresses on the fact that students’ minds should be cultivated in a school, they should be allowed to show their innovative nature. He writes that instead of following the same old traditional method of teaching and curriculum, teachers and educators should become innovative thinkers and come up with new and interesting ways of holding a class. George Couros states that teachers are lifelong learners and also proposes the idea that they must share best practices with each other and create better learning opportunities for students.
“A book for all academic leaders to read. It offers you some great questions, ideas, case studies and discussions.”
“A quick exciting reading for any teacher who wants to be inspiring and challenging in their practice.” Read More
5. An Urgency of Teachers: The Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy
by Jesse Stommel and Sean Michael Morris

An Urgency of Teachers: The Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy by Jesse Stommel and Sean Michael Morris — It is time that we must realize and accept that the world is becoming more digitalized. And, it is only normal if we utilize advanced technologies in our day-to-day lives. The book has a collection of essays that explores the positive and negative of online learning, educational technology, the newer trends, and the possibilities of digital pedagogy.
“A book that I recommend to every K-12 and higher teacher and student. It has a lot to offer its readers.”
“People and Process Oriented, Adaptive, Creative, Useful and Intelligent. A perfect blend of information and knowledge.” Read More
6. Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities
by Kristen Mattson

Digital Citizenship in Action: Empowering Students to Engage in Online Communities by Kristen Mattson — We all know and can in fact see it for ourselves that today’s generation has become so advanced and developed in terms of technology. The rise of such innovative tools and technology should therefore be utilized effectively in the education field. This book will show you practical ways for taking digital citizenship lessons so that you as a teacher can create opportunities for your students to actively engage in community and understand and develop relationships with others in the same space.
“This book contains a lot of information about how we can help our children become the best digital citizens.”
“A well-written, easy-to-understand book with a great introduction.” Read More
7. Teach Like a Pirate: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator
by Dave Burgess

Teach Like a Pirate: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator by Dave Burgess — The author of this book was a high school teacher himself, and here in this book he shares his teaching methods with his readers. The book does much more wonders in providing motivation to those teachers who are in need of it. Dave Burgess has also written down some useful ideas for teaching such that they can come up with creative ways to hold their classes.
“A great book for all teachers and leaders with some great messages for them.”
“A very helpful and well-written book. It offers a variety of useful advice to teachers.” Read More
8. Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
by Zaretta Hammond

Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students by Zaretta Hammond — The classroom is diverse, children belong to different races and ethnicities. The author, Zaretta Hammond has adopted neuroscientists research and applied it to the concept of culturally responsive teaching. She has listed down the very 10 key moves that will help teachers to efficiently help each student in a diverse classroom. The book at the end props to teachers for action and valuable self-reflection.
“It will help build the skills and capacity to engage in courageous conversations about conceptual bias and structural realization that will limit the learning opportunities of cultural and linguistic students.”
“A streamlined book that focuses on the brain and its workings and how you become more thoughtful as teachers.” Read More
9. Vintage Innovation: Leveraging Retro Tools and Classic Ideas to Design Deeper Learning Experiences
by John Spencer

Vintage Innovation: Leveraging Retro Tools and Classic Ideas to Design Deeper Learning Experiences by John Spencer — As the title of the book suggests, John Spencer believes and tries to show that adopting a different yet better approach to teaching can prove to be effective. Teachers should make a toolkit for themselves that would include useful teaching strategies. The author also helps teachers to test new strategies and apply them in their classes. He also reminds everyone to focus more on the experience of students. The book includes chapters on divergent thinking, active citizenship, philosophy, imagination, empathy and more.
“Vintage Innovation has some incredible ideas and philosophies alike for teachers and educators.”
“This book will rethink what you teach and learn. You’ll love reading from humorous books.”
The book had this special quote from George Couros, and it states: “If students leave school less curious than when they started, we have failed them.” Read More
10. An Educators Guide to STEAM: Engaging Students Using Real-World Problems
by Cassie Quigley and Danielle Herro

An Educators Guide to STEAM by Cassie Quigley and Danielle Herro — This particular book on the list is mainly aimed at K-8 classrooms. It examines the world of STEAM and gives tonnes of examples of how it can be put to work in a classroom. The book also includes the perspectives of many experts in the same field of education. The STEAM model includes specific strategies such as teacher facilitation, problem-based learning, technology integration, and student choice. This book tells its readers to learn how to draw students’ attention.
“This book will be a valuable resource for all those who are interested in learning more about Steam and want to implement it in their schools and districts.” Read More
11. 180 Days: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents
by Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher
” Teaching is art creation and a curriculum map is only as good as the teacher who considers it, who questions it, and who revises it to meet the needs of each year’s students.” -Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle

180 Days: Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents by Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher — The authors of this book are veteran language-art teachers and this book is a result of their collaborative efforts. They together have arrived at the best literary practices that can be used for students. They have provided their readers with engaging literary practices and have also shared their insights on managing time and tasks. This book offers teaching strategies for engaging students in the class or for independent work.
“Inspiring, thoughtful and discreet and we highly recommend it to all ELA teachers.”
“A solid professional development book that every language art teacher must read.” Read More
12. Not Light But Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversation in the Classroom
by Mathew R. Kay

Not Light But Fire: How to Lead Meaningful Race Conversation in the Classroom by Mathew R. Kay — A classroom is a place where children from different races and backgrounds study together. Because of the various recent issues of discrimination and mistreatment on the basis of a person’s race, it has become of extreme importance that teachers maintain equality and a friendly environment for their classes. The book shows the need to have conversations about race in the class and also presents a solid foundation on how teachers can initiate such conversations.
“A great guide to tackling questions around membership, promoting critical thinking and increasing student engagement.”
“A thoughtful and practical book on anti-racism, student support and compassionate teaching.” Read More
13. Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management
by Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey

Better Than Carrots or Sticks: Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management by Dominique Smith, Douglas Fisher, and Nancy Frey — The trio of authors focuses more on the importance and effectiveness of classroom management. It is a teacher’s responsibility to make sure that their students realize and correct their behavior. The book explains the need to implement conflict resolution strategies so that a mutual understanding and a relationship can be formed between students and teachers. To sum up, this book is focused on creating a constructive environment and student achievement.
“A good refresher on restorative practice and also provides some solid strategies.”
“If you’re looking for the best introduction to restorative practices, this is the perfect book for you.” Read More
14. The First Days of School
by Harry Wong and Rosemary T. Wong

The First Days of School by Harry Wong and Rosemary T. Wong — The title of the book itself suggests that it is best for the new teachers or those with less experience. The book tends to argue that effective classroom management mainly depends on the teaching structure and routine followed by a teacher. The book teaches several other things on how to get control over the classroom. For instance, the authors have spoken about the importance of being friendly towards students, how to not get affected by the negativity or low morale, and using the element of student choice to manage their behaviors.
“A highly recommended book for all new teachers who have rich material knowledge but lack pedagogy.”
“A book that can be used for self-reflection and to revive the spirit of inspiration.” Read More
15. Happy Teachers Change the World: A Guide for Cultivating Mindfulness in Education
by Thich Nhat Hanh and Katherine Weare

Happy Teachers Change the World: A Guide for Cultivating Mindfulness in Education by Thich Nhat Hanh and Katherine Weare — By now we have arrived at the conclusion of how it is important for teachers to first establish their own mindfulness. And, it is after that only that they can share and cultivate their mindfulness in their students. Both the authors have provided their readers with some basic practices that can be easily followed in a classroom. Just like how Thich Nhat Hanh says that a teacher who has a lot of happiness and love in her, can surely make her students happy. He has given tips, instructions, activities and in-class interpretations to achieve the same mentioned above.
“This book should be a necessary reading not only for teachers and academic staff, but also for those who are concerned about the future of our children.”
“This wonderful book provides insightful insights and tools to integrate mindfulness into education, enhancing the full humanity of teachers, students and parents.” Read More
We have arrived at the end of the article, and this was the last book on our list and definitely one of the best of the rest. We would like to highly recommend ‘Happy Teachers Change the World‘ to all of you. Though it is the thickest book from the lot, we can guarantee that you will never get bored reading it. It’s a wonderful book!
As said before, learning is a never-ending process, there is no limit to how much knowledge or experience you can gain. You just need the right amount of motivation to help you move forth towards your wish or dream, and then anything would be possible!
Never hesitate to give in your all efforts and bring your morale down. Because you are still a learner and it is okay to not be perfect on the first go.
If you want to learn more about professional development you can refer to Wikipedia.
This is our list of The 15 Best Professional Development Books For Teachers based on recommendations of one of my teacher friend who found them useful in professional life. He found these as the best professional development books as a teacher.
Stay positive! Keep going!
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