What is a self-help book?
A self-help book helps any individual who is struggling with solving personal problems.
People who don’t feel worthy of love and belonging, who are scared of failures, who doubt themselves, and those who are not able to manage themselves need these self-help books.
Stephan Richards mentions that “The good thing about a self-help book is that if you misunderstand something then it won’t mock you.”
So, the above-mentioned books will help you become more courageous when it comes to pursuing different avenues of outreach.
All the above-mentioned books help give life lessons.

Today, we will be talking about self-help books for women. These books are my favorite. Give the following books a try, and we bet that you will love them.
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Let us begin the list.
List of 9 Best Self-Help Books for Women
1. Daring Greatly
by Brené Brown

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown — This book is one of the New York Times bestsellers. The book is not about winning or losing but it is about courage. The author is a master who takes something as complex and something difficult to navigate human emotions.
This book is not only amazing and informative but also wise and funny. It tells us a new perspective about vulnerability, assertiveness around our needs and boundaries. The author tells us about how over-sharing has led to disconnection. The book will make you understand the difference between sharing vulnerability in ways that lead to connection and over-sharing in ways intended to manipulate an audience. The author writes on the subject of shame and how it keeps us from being the person we want to be. Talking about vulnerability the author believes every individual can change the culture of scarcity and pull the world back from a continual cycle of shaming. To all those people who feel less than everyone else, who don’t feel worthy of love and belonging, who can’t show their face or eyes to others due to shame, and who can’t compare themselves to others then this book is for you. So, read this complex and amazing book to dig deeper into the world of self-discovery.
Important Features-
- Self- discovery.
- Remarkable and informative book. Read More
2. Girl, Stop Apologizing
by Rachel Hollis

Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis — This is the perfect guidebook for anyone who wants to achieve a goal and has no idea how to start. Rachel guides you on how to achieve the goals you want to or how to take dreams and make them into tangible goals.
The author gives a dead message about making goals and following them and then not making apologies for having those goals. To all those people who have more of a feminist viewpoint, you will love this book. People share excuses that they don’t want to do things because they are afraid, they don’t have time or they are terrified of failure. So, the author says that we should let go of these things, we should not be scared of failures, we should stop asking for permission from people. Through this book, the author tries to motivate people she gives a very deep message to us that no matter who you are or where you come from there is not a single reason why you should not be pursuing the best version of yourself. Every person should have goals and they should make sure that those goals are their goals rather than someone else’s. This is a highly motivating book by Rachel Hollis who will pump you up and give you the courage and starting point to doing the things you always wanted to do. So, to all those people who are scared and motivated or intimidated you should read this book to gather courage.
Important Features-
- Pursue the best version of yourself.
- Follow your dreams.
- Extremely encouraging book. Read More
3. You Are a Bad Ass
by Jen Sincero

You Are a Bad Ass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero — This book is a New York Times bestselling self-help book that is full of humor, inspiration, and advice. The book will not only help you overcome your fears but will also help you to never doubt your faith. The purpose of this book is to change your life and make a difference.
The book is not only humorous but is also full of life-changing events. The book gives a deep message to love yourself and love your life. To all those people who want to improve their inner self-talk, they must read this book. The basic truth in the book is that our thoughts create our world to some extent and for many people, our self-doubt does get in our way. So, if we let our insecurities rule, then we end up sabotaging ourselves. The point of the book is that we should change the inside and then only we can change and can create more in life.
Important Features-
- A book full of life-changing events.
- Full of humor and inspiration.
- Love yourself and love your life. Read More
4. Mind Over Mood
by Dennis Greenberger

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You Think by Dennis Greenberger — There are only a few books that can truly change your life and Mind Over Mood is such a book. The book does a concrete shop of helping you sort out your thoughts and will help you understand how these thoughts lead to feelings and behaviors. This renowned book provides strategies to help you manage your mind and the emotions that can so easily destroy your quality of life. The book has many great features including clear organization and structure, helpful hands, questions, and exercises that can help people. It also includes a helpful section on mind fullness, gratitude, forgiveness, and positive psychology.
This book helps people with depression, social anxiety, panic disorder, OCD, and some life stage changes. To all those people who think that they have mental barriers which are holding them from achieving their goals then this book is for you. The book divides the techniques into small parts which are accompanied by clear explanations. The author also discusses how some assumptions are held and how those assumptions can negatively affect our beliefs. In short, the author provides effective cognitive techniques for people so that they can develop a more balanced view of themselves.
Important Features-
- A book providing effective cognitive techniques.
- Gives strategies to manage one’s mind.
- Helpful sections on forgiveness and positive psychology. Read More
- Maybe you should talk to someone; or therapist, her therapist, and our lives revealed by Lori Gottlieb
5. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
by Lori Gottlieb

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone; or Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed by Lori Gottlieb — This memoir tells the story of the author and her patients who hold our attention from beginning to end. The author shares the story of a patient named JULIE who is dying of cancer. The book is filled with laughter and tears, for that is what life is, ups and downs, sickness and health, and the author has captured it all very well. The author is so skilled as a writer that you will feel she is talking to you. In this book, we come to terms with humanity. The author knows that like her patients she often takes one step forward and two steps back. She says “all of us are trying our best to get out of our way.”
The book brings out many enlightening moments, the emotion that one faces in life are quite similar to those faced by many others as well. The questions and feelings expressed by each patient in the book will make you subconsciously acknowledge that emotion and ask the same question to yourself the book is not To convince anyone to go see a therapist rather the book is to help us question and understand their entire humanity through the author’s journey. So, what are you waiting for? Grab this provoking interesting memoir which is excellently crafted.
Important Features-
- A stimulating memoir.
- A book full of laughter and tears. Read More
6. How to Be Single and Happy
by Jennifer L. Taitz Psy

How to Be Single and Happy: Science-Based Strategies for Keeping Your Sanity While Looking for a Soulmate by Jennifer L. Taitz Psy — The author shares some wonderful and thought-provoking examples not only from her clients but from her own life as well. The author gives a deeper message that before we can manage our relationship; we should be able to manage ourselves. This book is not only for single people but also for those who want to live well. Anyone can benefit from reading this book because this book applies mindfulness techniques that are easy to understand. The book will also help in breaking down destructive thought patterns and behaviors and introduce healthy ones. This is one of the first serious honest stating books that you will ever read. The book dives deep into the enormous pressure that women face to be partnered up i.e. to be married. The author tells you to let go of the issue that is holding you back and be happy.
This book not only tells the stories but also examples which you will be able to relate to your life. The author draws on clinical research, brings out hundreds of patient interviews and psychology principles that relationships are cure-alls for unhappiness. You should grab this exceptionally well-researched, and easy-to-read book.
Important Features-
- Shares thought-provoking examples.
- The book helps in breaking down destructive thought patterns.
- A book that is based on research and real-life experiences. Read More
7. Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts
by Karen Kleiman

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers by Karen Kleiman — An amazing book that is full of truth about the common realities of new motherhood. The book is targeted towards middle-class and above mothers. It offers a much-needed view of the private lives of new mothers. The book provides new moms with tools and resources to manage and cope up with those changes which all the mothers go through.
To those entire mothers who are struggling since giving birth then this book will be an absolute wonder for you. This is a short-read book that will help you know that you are not alone and will give you the courage to seek some professional help as well. Mothers go through so much change and they try to be strong even if they are not. But every mother has to remember that this book is not only for single people but also for those who want to live well. Anyone can benefit from reading this book because this book applies mindfulness techniques that are easy to understand. The book will also help in breaking down destructive thought patterns and behaviors and introduce healthy ones. The book looks at trains of thoughts experienced by new mothers which help them to normalize the difficult time. So, grab this Self-help book which is not only helpful for mothers but also every parent.
Important Features-
- Brings out common realities of new motherhood.
- Helps in breaking down destructive thoughts.
- Book applies mindfulness techniques. Read More
8. Untamed
by Glennon Doyle
Untamed by Glennon Doyle — A New York Times bestseller book that is packed with incredible insight about what it means to be a woman today. The author talks about learning to access one’s inner knowing. The author talks about women and gives her a message for women. She talks about how easy it is to get trapped in also gives a message for young girls and boys that they should own the responsibility to their families.
Apart from all this, she gives a message about online porn and what it does to young people’s brains if they are not taught a healthy message about sex. Reading this book will bring an immediate difference to you and you will ask yourself what you want in your life. The book is all about discovering and finding yourself. Through the book, you will be able to set boundaries, make peace with your body, handle your anxiety and honor your anger. You will be able to stop pleasing and start living your life. Read this book which is filled with hopeful messages and will encourage women to reject the status quo and follow their intuition.
Important Features-
- About learning to access one’s inner knowledge.
- About self-discovery.
- Filled with hopeful messages. Read More
9. Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual
by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Professional Troublemaker: The Fear-Fighter Manual by Luvvie Ajayi Jones — Usually, people read a book, enjoy and pass them along to someone else. But this book is a truth-teller which you are going to savor and keep forever with you. The book is a manual that shares tips on how to conquer fear and live your best life. The author not only tells readers to engage in truth-telling but also tells them to embrace their inner trouble maker to become their most authentic self.
This book is insightful and a growth tool on the importance of speaking up for yourself. The author also uses examples of her episodes of impulsiveness to neatly illustrate how they can be turned from mistakes or failures into learning experiences by taking the lessons and running with them. The book is powerful and indispensable which will put a smile on your face.
Overall this is a great book that gives us life lessons from the author’s career, personal life, and childhood.
Important Features-
- A book sharing tips on how to conquer fear.
- A book giving us life lessons. Read More
There are millions of books based on self-help. But there are only a few of them which will give us life lessons, which will break down our destructive thought patterns and behaviors and introduce healthy ones.
The above-mentioned books are my recommendation for the best self-help books for women.
The books are stimulating and motivating which will help you to overcome fear and never doubt your thoughts again.
Whether you’re a mother, or a teenager suffering from depression, mental barriers, or the common realities of motherhood, then you must give these books a try.
You can check Wikipedia for Self-Help Books.
So, what are you waiting for?
Read these books to gather courage, knowledge, and wisdom.
In case your favorite book is not here, you can leave the name of the book in the comment section. We will for sure include it in our next update on this article titled – Best Self-Help Books for Women.
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